JMC 101/201
Story Type
Journalism Jobs

The use of any part of another's writing and passing it off as your own.

What is plagiarism?


Copy used to describe a photograph. It identifies what or who is in the photo, where was taken and when. (This also can be called a cutline.)

What is a caption?

Manipulate the lens of a camera to create the appearance of moving closer or farther away from the subject.
What is zoom?

Stories that are considered to be not immediately important or significant to a wide audience such as feature stories, profiles or "news you can use" pieces.

What is soft news?


The highest-ranking member of the news outlet's editorial team. This person oversees the entire newsroom. 

What is the editor-in-chief? 


To put a speaker's words into the reporter's own words without changing the meaning or inserting opinion. Used to clarify lengthy, fuzzy or complicated thoughts. They do not have to be used in quotation marks.

What is paraphrase?


A brief description of the contents of a news story printed in larger type, usually above the story.

What is a headline?

The cutting or marking of a photograph to eliminate unneccessary material and highlight important elements.
What is cropping?

Another word for a breaking news story that may continue to build over several days or weeks.

What is a developing story?


A journalist who writes articles containing their opinion.

What is a columnist?


The initial sentence or multiple paragraphs that pique readers' interest and draw them into the story.

What is a lead?


Text that indicates where a newspaper dispatch has come from – often before the body text. 

What is a dateline? 

The style of type a publication uses.
What is typeface?

A relatively short, usually unsigned column offering the opinion of the newspaper on a variety of topics.

What is an editorial?


A person assigned to follow a topic for the news outlet (i.e., politics, health, social justice).

What is beat reporter?


A sensational brand of journalism given to hoaxes, altered photographs, screaming headlines, frauds and self promotion. The term derives from the name of the Yellow Kid, a cartoon character popular in the late 19th century.

What is yellow journalism?


Overused, overworked, old and trite expression. (For example, dead as a doornail, quiet as a mouse, happy as a clam.)

What is a clichè?

The empty space in ads or page design that helps emphasize the message. If used effectively, it can actually attact the reader's eye.
What is white space?

Reporting that uses extensive research and interviews to provide a detailed account of a significant issue.

What is in-depth reporting?


This person ensures writing is accurate, clear and grammatically correct. For a newspaper, this person would ensure the copy follows AP style. 

What is copy editor?

Journalism that crusades for social justice or to expose wrongdoing.
What is muckraking?

An agreement between the news outlet and a source that sets a certain time and date for publication.  

What is an embargo? 


Method of composing photographs in which the field of vision is divided into thirds horizontally and vertically and the image placed at the intersection of any two lines.

What is rule of thirds?


A story, usually a feature, that is not time-sensitive. In digital journalism, it's likely to continue generating traffic long after it has been published.

What is an evergreen story?


Person or body that owns, runs or controls a publication, including its advertising and circulation departments.

What is publisher?