This sneaky fox is always up to no good
Who is Swiper?
Disneyland opened in this year
What is 1955?
All answers on Jeopardy must be phrased as this
What is a Question?
He is the main character of the Kingdom Hearts series
Who is Sora?
It is both the Capital and the biggest city in South Carolina
What is Columbia?
Boots the Monkey's "Boots" are this color
What is Red?
A time capsule was buried under this Disney attraction in 1995
What is Sleeping Beauty's Castle?
He was the long-time host of Jeopardy! before his death in November
Who is Alex Trebek?
These are mysterious weapons that are heavily featured in the series
What are Keyblades?
This President was a South Carolina native, and is maybe bettter known by his nickname, "Old Hickory"
Who is Andrew Jackson?
Dora's cousin Diego stars in his own show that goes by this title
What is Go Diego Go?
Walt Disney originally intended to build Disneyland in this Californian city
What is Burbank?
This Green Bay Packers Quarterback is the current guest-host of Jeopardy!
Who is Aaron Rodgers?
Riku's name means this
What is Land?
The first battle of the Civil War took place at this South Carolinian fort
What is Fort Sumter?
Dora's friend Isa is this type of animal
What is an Iguana?
The land that Walt Disney purchased for his park was originally occupied by 160 acres of this
What are Orange Trees?
A full game of Jeopardy has this many Daily Doubles
What is 3?
This member of Sora's squad was thought to be dead after being hit by a rock
Who is Goofy?
The Carolinas were named after this English King
Who is King Charles I?
It's Dora's last name
What is Marquez?
One of these is hidden in the peak of the Matterhorn ride
What is a Basketball Court?
Jeopardy! was created by this man
Who is Merv Griffin?
This game was the third in the series released in North America
What is Kingdom Hearts 2?
This creature was given the honor of being the official state amphibian
What is a Salamander?