It Happened One January
Man's Best Friend
Board Games
Miscellaneous Trivia
Food and Drink

On January 23, 1957, the first of these plastic discs rolled off the assembly line-- they have been used since for hours of exercise between humans and man's best friend

What are frisbees? 


Because of their size and shape, Dachshunds have been given this nickname

What are wiener dogs? 


This board game pits 2 to 4 players against each other, trying to score points by making words

What is Scrabble? 


Flapper dresses were a symbol of this decade

What are the 1920s?


This German dish is made of fermented or pickled cabbage

What is sauerkraut? 


On January 20, 1981, the Iran hostage crisis came to an end shortly after this U.S. president was sworn into office

Who is Ronald Reagan? 


This breed of dog was made famous by a TV and movie dog named "Lassie"

What is a Collie? 


This is the most popular version of the card game poker

What is Texas Hold'em? 


This group of islands is divided into British and U.S. islands

What are the Virgin Islands? 


These are thin, flat French pancakes that can be served as a savory or sweet dish

What are crepes? 


Born January 4, 1643, this man discovered laws of motion based on the universal law of gravity

Who is Sir Isaac Newton? 


This is the term for a dog whose ancestry and breed is known

What is a purebred? 


This popular 2-person board game has you trying to sink the other player's five ships

What is Battleship? 


In 1961 to 1989, this concrete and barbed wire barrier divided a city not only physically, but also ideologically

What is the Berlin Wall? 


This sweet byproduct of the sugar refining process is used regularly in New England cuisine

What is molasses? 


On January 10, 2000, one of the all-time biggest mergers occurred between AOL and this media company

What is Time Warner? 


This is the second smallest dog breed in the world-- originating from England to the U.S. centuries ago as a Victorian favorite

What is the Yorkshire Terrier? 


Daily Double!!

In chess, this is the only piece that is allowed to move in an L-shape and jump over other pieces to do so

What is the knight?


Better than fingerprints, this method of proving someone’s identity was first used in 1985

What is DNA testing? 


This is a popular Jamaican style of cooking-- using spicy marinade/ spice mix containing allspice and Scotch bonnet chilies to season chicken, beef, etc.

What is Jerk? 


Born January 27, 1921, this woman rose to fame with her role as Mary Hatch in It’s a Wonderful Life

Who is Donna Reed? 


This breed of dog was originally bred for the purpose of hunting hares-- and are iconic for their droopy faces, short legs, and large ears

What are Basset Hounds? 


Founded in 1923, this is an American worldwide toy and board game company-- the largest toy maker in the world in terms of stock market value, and third largest with revenues of approximately $5.12 billion

What is Hasbro? 


Romance on the High Seas was the film that sparked this actress's 20 year career as a motion picture star

Who is Doris Day? 


Daily Double!!

This is a technique where alcohol is added to a pan and set alight to burn it off

What is to flambé?