Roll a d20.
1 - 10 (win)
11-20 (fail)
How do you wear socks and shoes?
A. sock-sock-shoe-shoe
B. sock-shoe-sock-shoe
A. sock-sock-shoe-shoe
What is this?
A blue Pokemon fish
How many states are in United States?
Who invented Calculus?
Double your points if you're right. Otherwise, lose all your points.
Do you believe in yourself?
Double your points if so.
What is the term for when someone can't progress due to their lack of skill?
Hardstuck (not skill issue)
What is this?
A bird.
Why is a math textbook always sad?
It has a lot of problems.
What is the correct answer on a multiple choice question from A to D if the last two questions were C?
D (not C)
What is the biggest mistake you can make in life?
What does this do?
It makes you uncomfortable.
What is wrong with this sentence?
It has unnecessary u's.
The sentence has to be: "My favorite color is ble, red, and white!" in order to be legal.
This shape is constantly being debated on whether it has no sides or an infinite amount of sides.
Any oval.
Pick a number from 1 - 10.
1, 3, 7 (lose)
anything else between 1 - 10 (win)
1. Taxes
2. Death
3. My game show
What is this?
No comment.
How many miles are in a kilometer?
What kilometer?
If Jimmy has 500 oranges and Gabriel takes 200 oranges, how many does he have?
200 oranges
What color am I thinking of?
The tank should go first.
What does this do in Yu-Gi-Oh?
It does nothing.
What flag has red, white, and blue?
Russia (not U.S)
Name the biggest number you know.
Your answer + 1