Job Applications
Job Search

This is when you should arrive for an interview.

Five to fifteen minutes before your scheduled interview.


What is the difference between "Objective and Profile"?

An objective. -A clearly worded, specific objective speaks directly to what you are looking for.

Example: Stockroom clerk

A profile.- Speaks to your professional history.

Example: 22 years providing leadership and mentorship to youth with marginalized systemic barriers


It is important to be honest on a job application because a job application is this.

A legal document.


This technique is consistently rated as the most productive way to find work.



It is most effective to describe your abilities using this format.

Skill statements


Along with your resume, this should be included when applying for a job - it's your sales pitch.

A cover letter. (Each letter should be written for a specific employer.)


This is how you should dress when picking up or dropping off a job application.

In interview clothes.


Name three ways to look for work.

Internet Mailing resumes Answering trade journal ads Answering local newspaper ads, Private employment agencies Union or other hiring halls Civil service exams Contacting former teachers Going to state or federal employment offices Asking family, friends, or professionals Knocking on doors Using the Yellow Pages Working with other jobseekers Informational interviews


It is important to get one of these at the end of an interview so you have all the correct contact information for the employer.

Business Card


Give two examples of good body language

Sit up.

Slight forward lean.

Direct eye contact.

Occasional nod.

Strong Handshake. 



It is the recommended number of pages for an effective resume.

One (and never more than two)


What is ATS

Applicant tracking systems

If a job offer is posted via a job board, your resume will likely be scanned by bots before it reaches an actual human being.  Hit apply, and an applicant tracking system scans your resume for terms that match those used in the job description. Example : you’re applying for a product demonstrator position. If your resume uses the word “demonstrator,” great. The system will pass your application on to a real person. But if your current job title is listed as “sales engineer,” no dice.


This is who you can network with



This is the number one reason for termination

Personality Conflicts/ poor communication skills


This should be done within 24 hours after an interview.

Send a thank you note/ follow up email


This resume format focuses more on skills and accomplishments, rather than work history.

Functional. (A resume organized by function focuses on accomplishments and skills, and is good for someone looking to change careers, by emphasizing transferable skills.)


Two words that you should avoid using when filling out "Reason for Leaving"

Quit and Fired


What is  An informational interview

This is when you schedule time to meet with an employer and ask them questions about their company, what skills they look for in their employees, what the work atmosphere is like, etc.


Give 2 examples of topics that you should avoid talking about during an interview.

Family Personal

Issues Politics

Bad mouthing past employers




You should spend at least 20 minutes doing this before an interview.

Researching the company.


When describing your skills and accomplishments on a resume, each bullet should be started with this.

A past tense action verb.


If a question on a job application does not apply to you, this is how you should fill in the space.

Put n/a in the space. This shows that you saw the question.


What types of information are we researching on prospective companies?

1. The skills and experience the company values.

First and foremost, you should know what the company looks for in a qualified candidate. This enables you to position yourself as the best candidate for the position.

2. Key players of the organization.

3. News and recent events about the employer.

4. The company’s culture, mission, and values.

5. Clients, products, and services.

6. The inside scoop.

you can typically find information such as salary figures, employee functions and duties, company reviews, details about the hiring process, and more.

7. The person interviewing you.


A few days after submitting your cover letter, resume, and/or job application, it is important to do this.

Follow up with the employer, either with a phone call, e-mail, or in person.