Job Applications
Job Search
This is when you should arrive for an interview.
Fifteen minutes before your scheduled interview.
Many career experts believe this is a vital starting point for an effective resume.
An objective. (A clearly worded, specific objective tells a recruiter exactly what you are looking for.)
It is important to be honest on a job application because a job application is this:
A legal document.
This technique is consistently rated as the most productive way to find work.
Name two job search websites that the Instructor recommends? ( use with caution) Dept. of Workforce Connection Albuquerque Journal ( Job Section)
It is most effective to answer interview questions using this format.
STAR Method -Situation -Task -Action -Result
Along with your resume, this should be included when applying for a job - it's your sales pitch.
A cover letter. (Each letter should be written for a specific employer.)
This is how you should dress when picking up or dropping off a job application.
In interview clothes/ business casual
Name three ways to look for work.
Internet Mailing resumes Answering trade journal ads Answering local newspaper ads, Private employment agencies Union or other hiring halls Civil service exams Contacting former teachers Going to state or federal employment offices Asking family, friends, or professionals Knocking on doors Using the Yellow Pages Working with other jobseekers Informational interviews
It is important to get one of these at the end of an interview so you have all the correct contact information for the employer.
Business Card
Give two examples of good body language
Sit up. Slight forward lean. Direct eye contact. Occasional nod. Strong Handshake. Smile.
It is the recommended number of pages for an effective resume.
One (and never more than two)
Give one good example for "Reason for Leaving"
I desired a more challenging position. I had an option for a better job. I desired a job that was a better fit for my skills and qualifications. I became self-employed. There was a general lay off due to an economic downturn. I returned to school to upgrade my skills. I relocated.
This is who you can network with
What are 2 reasons employees get fired/terminated?
Top Reasons Employees Get Fired: Personality Conflicts/ Bad Attitude Damaging Company Property Drug or Alcohol Possession at Work Falsifying Company Records Insubordination Misconduct Poor Performance Stealing Using Company Property for Personal Business Taking Too Much Time Off Violating Company Policy Budget Cuts -------------------------------------------------------------- Unfortunately, for many fired workers, in most cases employers don't need a reason to fire you unless you are covered by a bargaining agreement or employment contract. It's called employment at will. Employment at will means that an employee can be terminated at any time without any reason and without notice. That said, most employers won't fire an employee without cause. Most firings are termination for cause, which means the employee is fired for a specific reason. Also, keep in mind that a job termination is different from a lay-off which takes place when an employee is let go because of a lack of work.
This should be done within 24 hours after an interview.
Send a thank you note or follow up email.
This resume format focuses more on skills and accomplishments, rather than work history.
Functional. (A resume organized by function focuses on accomplishments and skills, and is good for someone looking to change careers, by emphasizing transferable skills.)
Two words that you should avoid using when filling out "Reason for Leaving"
Quit and Fired
This is when you schedule time to meet with an employer and ask them questions about their company, what skills they look for in their employees, what the work atmosphere is like, etc.
An informational interview
Give 2 examples of topics that you should avoid talking about during an interview.
Family/ Children Personal Issues Politics Bad mouthing past employers Religion Salary
You should spend at least 20 minutes doing this before going to an interview.
Researching the company
Should you include: "References available upon request" on your resume?
If a question on a job application does not apply to you, this is how you should fill in the space.
Put n/a in the space. This shows that you saw the question.
What is the number 1 networking website in the nation?
A few days after submitting your cover letter, resume, and/or job application, it is important to do this.
Follow up with the employer, either with a phone call, e-mail, or in person.