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Got MILK ?
I make MILK, what's your SUPERPOWER?
There are _____ stages of labor and delivery.
What is 4 First Stage (Labor)- contractions slowly get stronger, more often, last longer, cervix thins, dilates 10cm by the end, baby moves down into the pelvis Second Stage (Delivery)-more contractions, feel the urge to push, baby is born Third Stage (Postpartum)- delivery of the placenta Fourth Stage (Recovery)- resting phase after all your effort during labor and birth, this is when you will be spending time with your baby, skin to skin contact will help with bonding, this is a good time to breastfeed (if you choose)
How much does the cervix have to dilate for the baby to be born?
What is 10 centimeters.
The _______ ______ is clamped and cut after the birth because it no longer supplies the baby with nutrients and oxygen.
What is umbilical cord
Rooting, Active Moving, Sucking on Hands, Rapid Eye Movement & Increased Alertness, and Clicking or Tongue Sucking are all example of?
What are Hunger Cues
Because it is rich in beta-carotene, it has a rich golden colour and is thick & sticky. This first milk provides a newborn with everything it needs in the first few days of life. This is called _______.
What is colostrum.
During the ____ stage, the cervix opens 0-3 cm, contractions are 5-20 minutes apart and can last 7-8 hours. You are feeling excited! :)
What is the early stage.
The period in which the cervix dilates from 7cm to 10cm is called the?
What is the transition period.
The baby lives inside the mother's ______, which is a strong balloon-shaped muscle that contracts during labor.
What is uterus.
Lying down, cross-cradle, football, and cradle are all ________ ________ ?
What are breastfeeding positions
On day 1 of life, this organ is the size of a pea and can hold 5-7 mL. On day 3, it is the size of a cherry and can hold 22-27 mL. On day 10, it is the size of a walnut and can hold 45-60 mL. This organ is called the _______.
What is the stomach.
During the active stage, the cervix opens __ to __ cm, the contractions are __ to __ minutes apart, and last 3-5 hours. You are feeling more anxious!!
What is 3-7 minutes, 3-5 minutes
If a pregnant woman is carrying more than one baby, is a smoker, is underweight, is not eating healthy food, has a stressful life, have vaginal infections, or does strenuous work, she is at risk for?
What is preterm labor
25-35 pounds, breasts (2-3lbs), blood (4lbs), uterus (2-3lbs), baby (6-8lbs), placenta and amniotic fluid (4-6lbs), extra fluid (2-3lbs), energy stored as fat (5-8lbs). What do these numbers represent?
What is the expected weight gain for a pregnant woman.
In order to help your baby latch, a common technique used is the _ - _____ ______. This includes placing your fingers under the breast and thumb on top while back from the areola while supporting breast.
What is the C-hold position
A breastfed baby needs to feed at least __to__ times in a 24 hour period and on their demand.
What is 8 to 12 times.
During the ______ phase, the cervix opens 7-10 cm, contractions are 2-3 minutes apart, and lasts 1/2 to 1 hour. You are feeling exhausted!
What is the active phase
Lightening, mucous plug, bloody show, bag of water breaking, and contractions are _______.
What are signs of labor. Lightening is when the baby moves down, it happens usually 2-3 weeks before going into labor, you will likely feel as though you have to pee more frequently. The mucous plug is a thick mucous that comes out as the cervix thins and opens. The bloody show is when a woman has pink, red or brown discharge a few days before labor or during; you should tell the health care provider when this occurs.
Contractions that are irregular, do not get closer together after a period of time, are weak and do not get stronger, felt in the front, and may slow down or stop if you lay down or have a hot shower.
What are Braxton-Hicks Contractions.
Aside from being an ideal nutritional mix which is easy to digest, breastmilk decreases your baby's chances of getting ________, ________ & _______.
What are infections, allergies & asthma.
Milk production is based on 2 principles. What are these principles?
What are how often, and how well the baby feeds.
A baby turns and drops further down in the pelvis before labor begins, usually during the last month of pregnancy. This is called?
What is lightening or engagement.
How long after the bag of water or amniotic sac breaks before a woman can expect to be in active labor?
What is 24 hours.
This involves the baby being born through an incision in the abdomen and womb (uterus). This may be done due to the size of the baby, health reasons, position of the baby, difficulties with the umbilical cord, labor is too slow, or the baby needs to be born quickly.
What is a C-Section (caesarean section).
Along with forming an intimate and unique bond with your baby, breastfeeding benefits you. Three benefits include ______, ______ & ______.
What are ovarian and pre-menopausal breast cancer, osteoporosis & anemia.
________ is a late stage sign of hunger.
What is Crying.