In the nursery rhyme, who sat on a wall before having a great fall?
Humpty Dumpty.
How many sides does a triangle have?
What is the name of Mickey Mouse’s pet dog?
What’s the response to “see you later, alligator?”
“In a while, crocodile.”
What color is the monster Mike Wazowski in the movie 'Monsters, Inc.'?
What color are Smurfs?
In what movie will you find characters who are looking for a brain, a heart, and courage?
The Wizard of Oz.
What movie is Princess Fiona from?
This big cat is known for its distinctive black mane.
A lion.
This marine mammal is known for its playful behavior and balancing a ball on its nose.
A seal.
Name Batman’s crime-fighting partner?
In 'The Lion King', what is the name of Simba's father?
This reptile is known for changing the color of its skin to blend with its surroundings.
A chameleon.
This large herbivorous mammal is native to Africa and has a long trunk.
An elephant.
This amphibian starts its life in water as a tadpole then turns into what?
A frog
What is the tallest mountain in the world?
Mount Everest.
Which planet has the Great Red Spot?
This bird is known for its ability to mimic human speech.
A parrot.
The fastest land animal in the world is this big cat.
A cheetah.
This flightless bird is native to Antarctica.
A penguin.
Which superhero can climb up walls and buildings?
“Stars and Stripes” is the nickname of the flag of which country?
United States of America.
Which planet in our Solar System is known for having a ring?
Why do things fall when you drop them?
Because of gravity.
In 'Frozen', what magical ability does Elsa have?
She can create ice and snow.