This movie follows Tim and this beloved yellow Pokemon, voiced by Ryan Reynolds
What is a Pikachu
Beware of these after dark, they'll explode if they catch you outside of your house unaware.
What are Creepers?
A humorous term for snakes or this game where players avoid dangerous animals and collect points.
What is Danger Noodle
This sticky item can help you label things or hang them on the wall.
What is tape
Spider-Man swings through New York City fighting crime and is close friends with this Daily Bugle photographer, according to his alter ego.
Who is Peter Parker
Different kinds of these are used to create Pokéballs
What are apricorns
This legendary multi armed Sea monster was probably imagined from sightings of giant squid and octopi.
What is the Kraken
In Monopoly, players landing on the go to jail space don't pass this and don't collect $200.
What is Go
Whoops, the cookies are burnt! Should have set one of these that countdown to zero.
What is a timer
Black panther is passed down through a ritual to this Wakandan Prince.
Who is T'Challa
Trainers travel to different cities to collect these after defeating gym leaders
What are badges
Crookshanks and Hedwig are famous ones of these animal companions that serves a witch or wizard.
What is a familiar
Players use these elemental cards when trying to attack on the Pokemon trading card game.
What are energies
Ear, forehead, and digital are types of these, used to measure temperature
What is a thermometer
He was chosen to become Captain America after he proved himself by jumping on a dud grenade and is best friends with Bucky Barnes.
Who is Steve Rogers
Oak, Elm, Birch, and Rowan are the last names of some of the Pokemon Professors we meet in the anime but they're also types of these.
What are trees
These three Greek sisters can see the future and are in charge of cutting the thread of life. Too bad they only have one eye to share!
Who are the Fates?
Players have to work together to create one of these in this popular rodent themed board game
What is mousetrap.
Named after a flat slab of stone, clay, or wood used for writing, this has evolved into a mobile device, typically with a mobile touchscreen and a rechargeable battery.
What is a tablet
Clark Kent hides this super hero just by putting on his glasses, even Lois Lane doesn't recognize him when he's wearing his red and blue super suit.
Who is Superman
This is considered the first Pokémon ever created, even though it isn't listed as the first in the Pokédex. It's drill like horn is capable of crushing even diamonds.
What is Rhydon
In Norse mythology, he is a giant wolf who is destined to break free and fight the gods during Ragnarök, the Twilight of the Gods.
Who is Fenrir
Colonel mustard, professor plum, and miss Scarlett are all characters from this popular mystery themed board game.
What is Clue
This is a small kitchen appliance that uses radiant heat to brown bread, bagels, and some pastries.
What is a toaster
Tony Stark was captured and nearly died before creating this super hero while trapped in a cave. He later fights Captain America in Civil War.
Who is Iron Man