The Cold War
Rich People
Rotten Tomatoes Top 100 Movies

This is the name given to the period of history where the U.S. and U.S.S.R competed to see whom could land on the Moon first.

What is the "Space Race?"

This current NBA player, nick named "The King", has played for 3 teams: Cleveland Cavaliers, Miami Heat, and Los Angeles. 

Who is Lebron James?


The Telephone

Who is Alexander Graham Bell?


Currently at #1, this movie stars Chadwick Boseman and Michael B. Jordan. This movie follows the story of T'Challa as he returns home to Wakanda to take his rightful place as King.

What is "Black Panther?"


This 80's action hero has unlimited powers and abilities. Some of which include when doing push-ups, he pushes the world down...the ability to hear sign language... and is the reason Waldo is hiding.

Who is Chuck Norris?

This is the name of the Russian Premier that began the following quote by Ronald Reagan. " _____ _______ tear down this wall."

Who is "Mr. (Mikhail) Gorbachev?"


This man is currently the richest man in the world and owns companies that include Amazon, Blue Origin, and The Washington Post.

Who is Jeff Bezos?


Cotton Gin

Who is Eli Whitney?


Currently sitting at #7, this biographical crime thriller movie stars Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, and Joe Pesci. The movie follows Frank Sheeran as he recalls his past years working for the Bufalino crime Family.

What is "The Irishman?"


In this meme, this character is shown sipping a cup of tea stating "But that's none of my business."

Who is Kermit the Frog?"


This is the name of the CIA operation where Cuban exiles were trained to invade Cuban in 1961.

What is the "Bay of Pigs Invasion?"


This man was born in South Africa, owns the Boring Company, and even sold Flame Throwers on the side.

Who is Elon Musk?


The Printing Press

Who is Johannes Gutenberg?

Currently sitting at #18, this classic movie follows an ex-freedom fighter who runs a nightclub during the early part of WWII, starring Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman.

What is "Casablanca?"


This memes derives from an SNL skit where Christopher Walken is a famous produces and has a fever that only has one cure.

What is "More Cowbell?"


During the 1950's, this is the practice of rooting through Hollywood searching for communist spies.

What is McCarthy-ism?

Once the mayor of New York, this man currently sits at #9 on the Forbes List, and has recently dropped out of the presidential campaign.

Who is Michael Bloomberg?



Who is Alexander Fleming?


Currently sitting at #33, this animated Disney classic was released in 1937 and follows the story of a beloved Grimm's Fairy tale. It was nicknamed "Disney's Folly"

What is Snow White and the Seven Dwarves?"

This meme derived from Rick Astley's "Never going to give you up"

What is Rick Rolled?


This is the name of the Revolution, led by Lenin and Stalin that installed a Communist Regime in Russia.

What is the Bolshevik Revolution?


This actor likes pudding cups, ugly sweaters, and putting a little extra in your drink.

Who is Bill Cosby?


The Telegraph

Who is Samuel Morse?


Currently sitting at #98, this movie follows the story of a retired balloon salesman and a young "Boyscout" as they venture for adventure in South America.

What is "Up?"


This meme derives directly from the Cincinnati Zoo and has arguably started the downward spiral that the world has gotten itself into.

What is Harambe?