The System Tools
All-The-Time Skills
Calm-Only Skills
Skill Chains
This Category of Skills includes five skills that I can use no matter how high my level of emotion is:
All-the-Time Skills
This skill is the first one that starts any skills chain, and helps me move from fuzzy mind to clear mind:
Clear Picture
When Problem Solving, I do a mini-_____________ for every possible solution to decide if it will be helpful or not.
Pros & Cons
Name at least 3 of the Clear Picture Do's:
1) Notice breath
2) Notice surroundings
3) Body check
4) Label & rate feelings
5) Notice thoughts
6) Notice urges
I feel anxious at a level 4. This means I can only use my _________________ skills.

(Clear Picture, On-Track Thinking, On-Track Action, Safety Plan, New-Me Activities)

This scale helps me rate how strong my emotions are:
Feeling Rating Scale
This All-the-Time skill helps me take a 'mini vacation' when I'm feeling stressed out, frustrated, or overwhelmed.

It can help me to focus, feel good, distract, or have fun.

While it can be very useful, I need to be careful not to over-use it!

New-Me Activities
Two examples of ways I can Express Myself are:
Body language
Art (drawing, painting, dancing)
Music (making, playing, listening)
When using the Safety Plan skill, I know a risk is ___________ when contact will cause problems and/or the danger is nearby.

a) Low
b) Medium
c) High

b) Medium
I want to ask my boss for a raise. The skill that will help me the most in this situation is:
Getting It Right
This Category of Skills contains 4 skills that can ONLY be used when I have a "clear mind":
Calm-Only Skills
When doing a Safety Plan, there are 3 ways to handle risks:

1) If the risk is low, I can do a New-Me Activity.
2) If the risk is medium, I should move away from the risk.
3) If the risk is high, _____________________.

If the risk is high, I SHOULD LEAVE THE AREA.
True or False: Finding Middle Ground usually involves the skills of Expressing Myself and New-Me Activities.
FALSE: It usually involves Expressing Myself and Getting It Right so that you can reach a compromise with the other person, and everyone wins!
If a relationship goes off-track because of something I said or did, I use the __________ skill to try and get things back on-track.

a) Finding Middle Ground
b) Steps of Responsibility
c) New-Me Activities

b) Steps of Responsibility

If I have made a mistake, I admit the problem, apologize, commit to changing, and then take an On-Track Action to repair the relationship.

I am having a problem and I don't know what the best solution is. The skill that will help me weigh my options and choose the best one is:
Problem Solving
This is the recipe that tells me how many skills I need to use in any situation:
Feeling Level + 1 = Number of Skills I need!
If I am doing On-Track Thinking and decide that my urge is OFF-TRACK, I need to __________________ to on-track thinking.
Turn It Up!
This skill helps me manage my relationships so they add to the quality of my life.
Relationship Care
When I am calm, able to ask for what I want in a polite way, and willing to listen to the other person, I know I am in the _________________ for Getting It Right.

a) Right Mind
b) Right Person
c) Right Time & Place
d) Right Tone
e) Right Words

a) Right Mind

Getting It Right is a Calm-Only skill, which means I have to be calm and clear-headed to use it effectively!

Part of Relationship Care is taking care of yourself. Keeping an on-track relationship with yourself helps you develop more...

a) Self-awareness
b) Self-acceptance
c) Self-value
d) Self-Trust
e) A and B only
f) All of the above

(f) All of the above
Safety Plan is a ___________________ Skill:

a) Calm-Only
b) All-the-Time

b) All-the-Time
When I have an urge to do something unhelpful, and I do the opposite, this is an example of ____________________.
On-Track Action / Opposite Action
When using the Getting It Right skill, I use SEALS to help me decide the Right Words to use. What does SEALS stand for?

Note: You must get at least 4 of them right to win the $!

SUGAR: Use polite and friendly language
EXPLAIN the situation so the person knows why I need help
ASK for what I want, clearly and directly
LISTEN to the other person's response
SEAL A DEAL: Make a solid plan
Sometimes things just aren't the way we want them to be.

Rather than getting stuck in our thoughts about how things "should" be, it can be helpful to practice the On-Track Action of __________________.

a) Jumping In with Both Feet
b) Opposite Action
c) Accept the Situation
d) None of the above

c) Accept the Situation

Sometimes we just have to accept that things aren't the way we want them to be. The good news is that we have lots of skills to help us while we wait for them to get better!

I am feeling angry at a level 5 and I have the urge to hit a co-patient who said something rude to me. The BEST skills chain to use in this situation is...

A) Clear picture, On-track thinking, On-track action, Safety plan, New-me activity, Problem solving

B) Clear picture, On-track thinking, Safety plan, New-me activity, New-me activity, New-me activity

C) Clear picture, On-track thinking, On-track action, Safety plan, New-me activity

D) Clear picture, On-track thinking, On-track action, Safety plan, New-me activity, and Clear picture


I need at least 6 skills, because I am at a Level 5.

Because I am over a Level 3, can ONLY use All-the-Time skills... so I have to double-up on at least one of them!