Vishwa got to school mostly by ___
What is carpooling?
Vishwa published a book on Amazon with this title...
The show that spawned "The Implication"
What is It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia?
Vishwa's Modest Proposal (Jonathan Swift)
What is waterboarding babies?
Vishwa threw the following off of a building in Egypt?
What is Mom's hat?
Ms. Banker took this long to grade a Scantron
What is over a month?
Vishwa's biggest takeaway from marching band...
What is the friends he made along the way?
Merik was put inside the following...
What is a washing machine?
This person sent Vishwa the most devastating email...
What is Ms. Chern?
Vishwa and Michael experienced racism at the hands of someone in this grade...
What is a freshman?
Ms. Douglas' favorite catch-phrase (3 words)
What is "cooking like grease?"
Someone from this country rated A Corpse and Six Idiots a one out of five...
What is Australia?
You screenagers played this at my 18th birthday party.
What is Among Us?
Relating to nooses and the book 'Things Fall Apart'...
What is an Okonkwo moment?
Vishwa fears this animal...
What is snake?
Kapitan (Russian teacher) claimed Vishwa did this in one of his first interactions with Vishwa with no evidence...
What is cheating?
Vishwa prides himself on the following (related to music)...
What is bothering people with JPEGMAFIA?
Rishitha loves ____ Vishwa.
What is roasting?
Vishwa couldn't use these while eating pho...
What are chopsticks?
The Greatest Music Artist of All Time
What is Wallie the Sensei?
Vishwa signed the yearbook of the person who scraped his car in the Langley parking lot with this...
What is a picture of a car?
Worst joke Vishwa's ever made...
What is going to Iceland?
Vishwa saying "I haven't been shot" before being shot during paintball is an example of this. Bonus 200 for getting the type correct.
What is irony?
Vishwa lost the following at Kings Dominion...
What is hat?
2nd Worst Vishwa Joke
What is the color of the Brat album cover?