Name all the residents halls
Foundation hall, Parkhusrt hall, wells, Napier, Stanford, Adams hall, bell hall and west campus.
What is the longest wall in the world?
The Great Wall of China
This word for a friend comes from the latin word for "with whom you would eat bread"
Who is a female singer who has 14 Grammys, and is dating a football player
Tayler Swift
What is the movie that features a great white shark made in 1975 on Amity Island?
What are our 2 outfits for women and man? (Causal and Formal)
Women Casual- Green polo, name tag, Khaki shorts
Women formal- Navy blue dress pants and blazer, white undershirt, Nude heels or flats, and name tag
Men Casual- Green polo, name tag, Khaki shorts
Men formal- Navy blue suit, Blue and green striped tie, name tag, and brown, navy, black, taupe dress shoes
Finish the line President Franklin D. Roosevelt said during his speech addressing the attack on Pearl Harbor: “Yesterday, December 7, 1941…”
“A date which will live in infamy”
Only Continent with no active volcanos
Who is married to Kourtney Kardashian?
Travis Barker
What is the name of the Male love interest in Titanic?
Jack Dawson
What are the five major events that are required to attend? (not team meetings)
-JR Day
During World War II, Allied troops stormed the beaches of Normandy. Which country is this in?
Name 5 famous structures in Europe
-Eiffel Tower
-Leaning tower of Pisa
-Big Ben
Who played Rachel Green on friends ? as well as being in there movies like: Meet the Millers, Marley and me, just go with it
Jennifer Aniston
How Many Harry Potter Films are there ?
Name all the positions available on Leadership board and who currently holds them.
Chair- Paige Blakemore
Vice Chair- Sairsha Conner
Director of Education- Maddie Marcinkowski
Director of Membership- Gini Peña
Coordinator of inclusion- Laci Rawlins
Coordinator of Recruitment and Selection- Paige Ussery
Coordinator of Team Standards- Abbey Ottaway
Coordinator of Tours and Logistics- Addison White
Coordinator of Events and Programs- Grace Greer
Coordinator of Diversity- Kevin Stinson Gallegos
Coordinator of Public Relations- Emily Agi
After 150 years he's still the tallest president in History
Abraham Lincoln
What does CODA stand for?
Child of Deaf Adults
Who Voiced Woody In The ‘Toy Story’ Movies?
Tom Hanks
Name five horror movie characters
Michel Myers, Jason, John Kramer, ghost face, pennywise, Chucky, art the clown, carrier...ect
When was GCSU founded ?
What do the stripes on the American flag represent?
The 13 original colonies
When did Facebook first launch?
Who Directed The Movie ‘Jurassic Park’?
Steven Spielberg
Name 3 movies with Jonny Depp in them ?
-Charlie and the Chocolate Factor
-Whats eating Gilbert Grape
-A nightmare on elm street
-Alice in Wonderland
-Pirates of the Carrabbian