This young samurai intrudes the Murasame Castle to vanquish an alien that brings a statue to life.
This late 1980’s handheld system displayed games in a green color pattern.
Game Boy
This Super Mario game originally skipped a release overseas due to its high difficulty.
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
This First Generation Pokémon had its skin color changed from black to purple.
This Orange light-gun can be used with Duck Hunt, Wild Gunman, Hogan’s Alley, and more.
The NES Zapper
This yellow colored character shares the same name as this 1979 arcade game.
This Dual Screened handheld became one of the best selling consoles of all time.
Nintendo DS
Roy, the young prince of Pherae, is the main character of this Japan exclusive tactical role playing game.
Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
This F-Zero pilot’s machine was originally named “Hell Hawk”, but was changed to “Blood Hawk” internationally.
Blood Falcon
This Robotic Operating Buddy helped sell the NES as a toy in North America.
R.O.B. the Robot
This ex-detective from Los Angeles who now works as a saleman solves mysteries at Hotel Dusk.
Kyle Hyde
This handheld displayed in black and red and is widely considered Nintendo’s biggest failure.
Virtual Boy
Lucas, Kumatora, Duster, and Boney are the main characters of this Japan exclusive rpg.
Mother 3
This character from Super Mario series is described as either a male of female in different parts of the world.
This add-on accessory for the Family Computer allowed games to be read off of disks.
Famicom Disk System
An ordinary guy named Nick plays this once poplar TV superhero.
Captain Rainbow
This smaller version of the Game Boy Advance support a backlit screen and was overshadowed by the Nintendo DS.
Game Boy Micro
This Japan exclusive fighting game has you take control of robots with disembodied hands, feet, and even heads.
This Super Famicom title was reskinned as Tetris Attack overseas despite having nothing to do with Tetris.
Panel de Pon
This add-on for the Super Famicom was a satellite modem released in 1995.
This hero of “The Last Story” becomes a mercenary after losing his family, and falls in love with Lady Calista.
This handheld in the Game Boy family was the first to feature a backlit screen.
Game Boy Light
First released in 1988, this classic Japan exclusive game is a predecessor to Advance Wars.
Famicom Wars
The Spanish version of this Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door had this character’s name changed to reference a famous professional wrestler.
This accessory for the Nintendo 64 allowed games to be read off of disks, and even supported on online service.
Nintendo 64 Disk Drive