How do you pronounce "Sumer"?
The Sumerians invented which of the following two things?
A) The first buildings, and fire.
B) Fire and Flint
C) The wheel and the plow
D) The number 0, and paper
C) The wheel and the plow
not cheese pizza
Who is the main character of Peppa Pig?
Peppa Pig
An eye for an eye...
– Mahatma Gandhi
makes the whole world blind
Sargon The Great
True or False:
All of Sumer was ruled by one king
Who is Aadi's favorite person?
Peter Pettigrew
Who are the main characters of My Little Pony?
Apple Jack, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy
That which does not kill us...
– Friedrich Nietzsche
makes us stronger
What material did the Sumerians use to build their homes? a) Wood, b) mud-brick, c) stone, d) iron
B) Mud-brick
What did the Sumerians use to write?
a) Pen and paper, b) Stylus and clay tablet, c) Paint and walls, d) Reeds and papyrus
B) Stylus and Clay Tablet
Who's Aadi's least favorite HP character?
If you have less than 700 points...
The only thing we have to fear...
– Franklin D
Is fear itself
Which king of Babylon later became an emperor, and created the most well-known, best-preserved, cohesive set of laws?
What is a city that governs itself and its surrounding territory?
a) province, b) Mesopotamia, c) city-state, d) empire
C) City-state
Who is the main character of Garfield?
If you have less that 1000 points:
Garfield is an acceptable answer.
If you have more that 1000 points:
Odie, Nermal, and John are some acceptable answers.
If you have exactly 1000 points:
I think, therefore...
– René Descartes
I am
Which of the following is NOT a Sumerian city-state?
Uruk, Ensi, Ur, Kish
What is an ensi?
a) a Sumerian technology, b) A Sumerian God, c) A Sumerian priest-king, d) A Sumerian public work
C) A Sumerian Priest-King
What's Aadi's favorite TV show?
52 ways to defenestrate a wild monkey
(Harry Potter is also an acceptable answer)
What is Sofia's favorite color in Sofia The First?
The future belongs to those who believe...
– Eleanor Roosevelt
in the beauty of their dreams.