why did Moshe Complain for so long (7 days long!!!)
Humble and/or he didnt wnat to be instead of Aaron
when do you have annouce found coins?
if they are stacked
How do I fulfill the Mitzvah of מִשְׁלוֹחַ מָנוֹת ?
2 foods to 1 person
what does לָקַחְתָ mean?
you took
when is the Rebbes Birthday
Yud aleph nissan
why was Moshe swallowed by a snake & who fixed the Problem
Sicne he didnt give his sons a bris and Tzipora did the bris
yes, Many kings you ahve to annouce 1 king you can keep
How do I fulfill the Mitzvah of וּמַתָּנוֹת לָאֶבְיוֹנִים?
By Giving at least $1 each to 2 poor people
what does לָקַחְתְ mean?
you took for a girl
how do i know that Hashem is thinking about me?
the fact I exsist!!
Please tell me 3/4 complaints Moshe told Hashem by the Burning bush & hashem answers back
who am I. Hashem said- I will be with u
who are they- they will recieve the Torah
what will i tell them whe they ask me who send you- i will be sent you
i cant speak properly- who gives a mouth etc
As long as it stacked you can keeep it, no matter what!!!
What special mitzva do we do in the whole month of adar?
Add in Joy
mean ?לָקַחְתֶם
you took (speaking to mANY PEOPLE)
which 3 holy jews made Shachris mincha nad maariv
Avraham Yitzcak and yaakov
How do we see from the possuk that moshe stayed by the burning bush for 7 days? You can only look in the chumash not your notes, (its at the end of the 5th aliyah)
Mitmol- 1
Maez Daberchu- 1
Gam three times- 3
the possuk itself
before Rav Yochanon what is the gemaras first answer to the question?
whn it says different kings it doesnt actually mena differnt kings but rather differnt sizes an dplaces from biggest to smallest
why do we wear costumes?
who was vashtis father
what is the brocha when we see a rainbow
bris vekayim
why does Hashem tell back to Moshe- who gave a mouth, mute,deaf,blind, in this specific order and whats the lesson we learn?
without the lesson= 300 with =500
sequence of events with snithcing and blind for the stargazers
because only stacked coins you announce
where is Persia, Midea, and Bavel located on the map, and who conquered the whole place?
Iran and Iraq and koresh achasverhsos father!
what do we leanr from tghe story of the lion and the tzadik?
that an amial is not scared of atrue tzadik but only a perosnweho acts like an animal
list at least 3 times in year when your supposed to stay up the whole night
shavous, 7th night of pesach nasnd shmini atzeres