Feast Days

This Calendar, introduced in 45 BC, established January 1 as the start of the new year.

What is the Julian calendar?


In 1847, the world's first "Mercy" Hospital is founded in this city in Pennsylvania, United States, by a group of Sisters of Mercy from Ireland.

What is Pittsburgh?


Marie-Louise Lachapelle was a French midwife, head of obstetrics at this famous hospital, the oldest in France and possibly the oldest continuously operating hospital in the world.

What is Hôtel-Dieu?


The feast of the Maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the precursor of this current solemnity, was was extended to the entire Catholic Church by Pope Pius XI in 1931.

What is the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God?


Portuguese explorer Pedro Cabral discovered the coast of this South American country in 1500.

What is Brazil?


In 1700, this large country begins using the Anno Domini era instead of the Anno Mundi era of the Byzantine Empire.

What is Russia?


Sigismund I, King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania from 1506 until his death in 1548, was given this nickname in later historiography to distinguish him from his son and successor, Sigismund II Augustus.

Who is "the Old"?


Towards the end of his life, Cardinal Bishop Henry of Albano dropped out of being a candidate for the next pope to preach this Crusade.

What is the Third Crusade?


According to this Gospel, Jesus was circumcised and given the name Jesus eight days after his birth, in accordance with Jewish tradition.

What is Luke?


Albert II of Habsburg was crowned king of this Central European country in 1438.

What is Hungary?


In 1707, John V is proclaimed king of this European country and the Algarves.

What is Portugal?


He was an Italian statesman, the de facto ruler of the Florentine Republic, and the most powerful patron of Renaissance culture in Italy.

Who is Lorenzo de' Medici?


Odo I was King of Francia from 888-889, between ______ the Fat (predecessor) and _______ the Simple (successor).

Who is Charles?


Pope Paul VI established World Day of Peace in 1967, being inspired by this encyclical of Pope John XXIII and with reference to his own encyclical Populorum Progressio.

What is Pacem in Terris (Peace on Earth)?


In 404, St. Telemachus tries to stop a gladioatorial fight in a Roman amphitheatre, and is stoned to death by the crowd. This act impresses this Christian Emperor, who issues a historic ban on gladiatorial fights.

Who is Emperor Honorius?


In 1801, this dwarf planet, the largest and first known object in the Asteroid belt, is discovered by Giuseppe Piazzi; priest, mathematician, and astronomer.

What is Ceres?


One of the most controversial of the Renaissance popes, his Italianized Valencian surname, became a byword for libertinism and nepotism, which are traditionally considered as characterizing his pontificate.

Who is Pope Alexander VI (Borgia)?


St. Zygmunt Gorazdowski was a Polish priest and the founder of the Sisters of Saint Joseph. This infectious lung disease, known colloquially as "white death", "impeded his studies for the priesthood."

What is tuberculosis?


In 1259, Michael VIII Palaiologos is proclaimed co-emperor of this Empire with his ward John IV Laskaris. (Hint: It was the location of two ecumenical councils in 352 and 787.)

What is the Empire of Nicaea?


The world's remotest island is discovered by French explorer and devout Catholic, Jean-Baptiste Charles Bouvet de Lozier in 1739.

What is Bouvet Island?


Francesco Lazzaro Guardi was an Italian painter, nobleman, and is considered to be among the last practitioners, along with his brothers, of this classic  school of painting.

What is Venetian?


Joachim du Bellay was a French poet, critic and prominent figure in the French Renaissance. His most famous work, titled this, is a collect of sonnets with contains themes and imagery that reflect his Catholic faith.

What is 'Les Regrets" (The Regrets)?


After having renounced, by means of a notarized document, the principality which belonged to him by birth, in favour of his younger brother, as well as his very large inheritance, St. Giuseppe Maria Tomasi was admitted into this religious order founded by St. Cajetan of Tiene in 1524.

What are the Theatines (officially named the Congregation of Clerics Regular)?