Some more scenarios

What is it called to treat everyone fairly



The class is lining up for recess. Some kids try to cut in front. Is that fair to the kids who were already waiting patiently? What's a fair way to make sure everyone gets their turn?

They can make the kids that are trying to cut get in the line and not cut in the line


The teacher brings in a special treat for the class. There aren't enough treats for everyone to have two. Is it fair for some kids to have two treats while others have none? How can the teacher share the treats fairly?

She can give every one and give the rest to her coworkers


Is treating someone not nicely but treating everyone else nicely an example of fairness

No it's not since your singling out one person which is not fair to them


Two friends, Leo and Maya, are playing with building blocks. Leo has a big pile, and Maya only has a few. How can they make it fair so they both have an equal chance to build amazing things?

Leo can give some of his blocks to Maya so they have the same amount and do a good build

The teacher asks for volunteers to clean up the classroom. Only a few kids volunteer. Is it fair for the same kids to always do all the work? How can everyone share the responsibility of cleaning up?

She can use a randomizer to pick students so it's not the same people


Secret question

You were brave for picking this here's some points


During a board game, one player, Alex, keeps getting all the lucky cards. Is it fair that one person is winning all the time because of chance? How could they make the game more fair for everyone?

They can shuffle the deck so it is in an different order so if anyone gets a good card it will be luck


 The class is picking teams for a game. Some kids are left out and don't get chosen. Is it fair to leave some kids out? How can the teams be chosen in a fair way so everyone gets to play?

The kids can each pick one student until all the students have been picked


Tell me an example of fairness

An example of fairness is treating everyone fair despite how they look


Two friends, Ben and Sarah, both want to read their favorite book to the class. Only one person can read today. How can they decide fairly who gets to read.

They can take turns by making one person do it on one day and the other person do it the other.


Some older kids are hogging the swings and won't let the younger kids have a turn. Is that fair? What's a fair way for everyone to get a chance to play on the swings?

The can put a timer for 2 minutes then swap and if they wont budge tell a teacher


What is fairness?

Fairness is when someone treats everyone the same no matter what.


A student in the class uses a wheelchair. Some games on the playground are hard for them to play. Is it fair that they can't participate in some activities? How can the class make sure everyone can play together fairly?

They can play games that everyone is able play no matter their situation.


There are only a few pairs of scissors for the whole class. Lots of kids want to use them at the same time. How can the teacher make sure everyone gets a fair chance to use the scissors?  

They can take turns using them