The Address to the Orem 9th Chapel
What is 1485 N 800 W, Orem UT?
The Conference a few weeks ago was the ____ Annual Conference.
What is the 182nd General Conference?
1829, May 15
What is the Aaronic Priesthood conferred on Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery?
Built to protect the northern borders of the Chinese Empire against attacks by roving nomadic groups, the ____________ is made up of various walls, geographical barriers, and trenches for a total length of 5,500.3 miles.
What is the Great Wall of China
With Samoa's new International Dateline shift, What day is it in Samoa?
What is Saturday?
The theme for the Orem 9th Ward conference [February] was?
What is D&C 14:7 And, if you keep my commandments and bendure to the end you shall have ceternal life, which gift is the greatest of all the gifts of God.
Who is the new General Relief Society President sustained at General Conference? O ai le peresitene aoao o le Aualofa lea sa valauina i le Konefesi talu ai nei?
Who is Linda Kjar Burton?
This was the first temple to be completed in Utah
What is the St. George temple!
The deep, rugged, multi-colored walls of the _____________ can create a powerful and inspiring experience upon viewing.This deep sided gorge has been carved through the landscape over many millions of years by the Colorado River.
What is the Grand Canyon?
Name 2 foods that were introduced by the Chinese culture into the Samoan diet?
What is the Chop Suey (Sapasui) and Coconut buns (Pani Popo)
Name the current missionaries serving from the OR9 Ward
Who are Elder Dominique Moe, Elder David Owens,Elder Jordan Pili,Elder Jeremiah Tiatia,Sister Florence Toleafoa
A congregational hymn that was sung during general conference.
What is How Firm a Foundation [Saturday morning session] Called to Serve [Saturday afternoon session] Ye Elders of Israel [Priesthood session] Rejoice, the Lord is King! [Sunday morning session] Hope of Israel [Hope of Israel]
The first vision occured in the spring of this year, Month and Year
When is April 1820
The ____________ is a tomb situated in Agra, India It was built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan to commemorate the memory of his favorite wife.
What is the Taj Mahal
The ___________ began construction in 1406 during the Ming Dynasty and took 14 years to complete. It stands exactly in the centre of ancient Beijing, and was the political nerve centre of China until the end of the Chinese dynastic era. It was home to 24 Ming and Qing emperors in all.
What is the Forbidden City
The Orem 9th Ward was CREATED on this date
When is Nov 13 2005?
Concluding remarks for the Saturday Morning Session OR saturday Afternoon session.
Who is President Henry B. Eyring ~[Saturday morning] OR Richard G. Scott~[Saturday afternoon]
One of the eight witnesses, this man was the first missionary of the Chruch and served several missions. He was a brother to Joseph Smith
Who is Samuel Smith?
Also known as Matafelefele. Described by samoans as 'tinoese' toe maualuga. Si'uosavaii and Moaulaupolu where his parents and Va'atausili was his brother.
What is Mt. Vaea.
The Youngest President of USA
Who is Theodore Roosevelt, 42yrs John F. Kennedy 43
The Orem 9th Ward was FIRST, divided on this date
When is Feb 4, 2007 .............. 6 Jul 2008 [Lehi 42nd Branch] 24 May 2009 [Lehi 42nd Ward]
Who gave this talk at Priesthood Session: As a boy I asked my dad many times each week when he was going to be baptized. He responded lovingly but firmly each time I pestered him: “______ , I am not going to join the Church for your mother, for you, or for anyone else. I will join the Church when I know it is the right thing to do.” My dad continued, “______ , your church teaches that the priesthood was taken from the earth anciently and has been restored by heavenly messengers to the Prophet Joseph Smith, right?” I replied that his statement was correct. Then he said, “Here is my question. Each week in priesthood meeting I listen to the bishop and the other priesthood leaders remind, beg, and plead with the men to do their home teaching and to perform their priesthood duties. If your church truly has the restored priesthood of God, why are so many of the men in your church no different about doing their religious duty than the men in my church?” My young mind immediately went completely blank. I had no adequate answer for my dad.
Who is David A. Bednar "The Powers of Heaven"
June 24th, 1844
What is the date Joseph Smith was Martyred
Just a 45-minute drive from the Samoan capital of Apia. Often called "the Nauvoo of the Pacific," Apostle David O. Mckay was so moved by his 1921 visit that he reportedly dubbed the village "the most beautiful place I have ever seen.
Where is Sauniatu?
The state of USA was once part of Russia
Where is Alaska