name an ingredient in cake
eggs, milk, flour, ect.
favorite color
favorite color
who was the first president of the united states
George Washington
What superhero wields the lasso of truth?
Wonder Woman
which frozen dessert is made by blending fruit and sugar, and contains no dairy?
what sports did i do in highschool
paddling and volleyball
how long was i in cross country
1 day
what global conflict lasted from 1939-1945
world war 2
Ryan Reynolds
what kind of pie is traditionally eaten during thanksgiving
pumpkin pie
dream car
dream job
who was the last monarch of the kingdom of Hawaii before it was perished by the US
Queen Lili'okalani
in the batman comics, which villain is a former psychiatrist who becomes a criminal mastermind?
The Joker
which Japanese desert is made from sweet, glutinous, rice flour, often filled with sweet red bean paste or ice cream?
what did i call lukey boy as a child?
princess of the dogs
Who is my favorite band?
The Beatles / The beastie boys
What treaty ended the american revolutionary war?
the treaty of paris
what powers iron man's suit
ACR Reactor
pecan pie!
what is my full major (include minor)
biochemistry and molecular biology with a psychology minor and a pre-med focus
What specific class was I in for children's garden (preschool)
turtle class
who was the first woman king in ancient Egypt
Name all 6 of the infinity stones
mind, power, reality, soul, space, time