The footplate of the stapes occupies the _________ window.
The eustachian tube connects the _______ cavity to the nasopharynx
middle ear
The membranous labyrinth is filled with _________ fluid.
The macula of the utricle responds to ________ stimulation
The eighth cranial nerve is referred to as the ________ nerve or the auditory nerve.
The oval window opens into the scala __________.
The eustachian tube permits _______ and pressure equalization.
The end organs of the inner ear are the _______ and saccule.
The _______ contain hair cells, otolithic membrane and otoconia.
The acoustic stapedial reflex is elicited by sounds that are _____ decibels above the threshold for hearing.
80-90 dB
The prominences of both the _____ semicircular canal and the _____ nerve canal are located on the medial wall of the middle ear cavity.
The _________ is attached to the tympanic membrane via the umbo
The end organ that the semicircular canals communicate with is the _________.
________ of the hair cells in the crista ampullaris extend into the gelatinous mass called the cupola.
The size ratio of the tympanic membrane to the oval window results in an increase in acoustic pressure equal to __ decibels
The tympanic aditus is a major landmark of the _______ wall of the middle ear cavity.
The two tympanic muscles that attach to the ossicles are the ________ and tensor tympani muscle.
tensor tympani
The saccule and cochlear duct communicate via the _____________.
ductus reuniens
When ________ fluid pushes against the cupola, hair cell stereocilia bend and stimulate vestibular nerve fibers.
There is an acoustic pressure increase of __ decibels due to the movement of the tympanic membrane in segments rather than as a whole.
6 dB
The eustachian tube is located on the _______ wall of the middle ear cavity.
The function of the acoustic stapedial reflex is _______ control and creating an improved signal-to-noise ratio
The ________ nerve, ________ nerve and internal branch of the basilar artery pass through the internal auditory meatus.
auditory nerve; facial nerve
The visual, vestibular and ____________ systems work together to maintain a human’s center of gravity.
Two important muscles for eustachian tube dilation are the ______ and _____ veli palatini muscles.
tensor and elevator veli palatini muscles