Personal Care
Basic Nursing Skills
The Resident's Unit
Admitting, Dischaging, Transfers
Rehab/Restorative Care and Positioning/Moving Residents
How might the skin appear when it begins to break down? ______________, ________________, ____________, or __________________.
What is: pale, white, red, or purple
What is the name of the thermometer that is used to take the temperature from the ear?
What is: Tympanic
How should the NA enter a resident's room?
What is: Knock and wait for permission to enter.
During admission of a new resident, the NA should: (choose the best answer)
What is: a)get the admission process completed as quickly as possible. b)introduce the resident to everyone in the facility. c)explain how to work the bed controls and call light.
A resident who is lying on either side is in the _________ position.
What is: lateral
Pressure ulcers can lead to ___________-_____________ _______________________.
What is: Life-threatening infections
Another name for "armpit" is:
What is: What is axilla
How can an NA help control odors in a facility?
What is: Empty and clean bedpans immediately after use.
Baseline vital signs are ____________________________.
What is: Initial values that can be compared to future measurements.
A resident who is lying flat on his back with his head and shoulders supported by pillows is lying in the ___________ position.
What is: Supine
List an area on the body that is at a higher risk for skin breakdown.
What is: Tailbone (sacrum)
Which of the following blood pressures falls within the normal range?
What is; a) 119/75 b) 135/90 c) 140/80
According to OBRA, what termperature range must long term care facilities maintain?
What is: 71-81 degrees
Why might a resident need emotional support during a physical exam?
What is: Because the resident may fear what the examiner will find.
Deep breathing exercises help to ____________________________________.
What is: clear the lungs of mucous
Oral care includes brushing the ______________ and caring for the _______________.
What is : tongue and lips
What is the name of the machine that changes air in a room into air with more oxygen?
What is: Oxygen Concentrator
Lack of sleep can cause __________________________.
What is: Increased irritability or decreased mental function (either answer or both is acceptable)
What is the NAs responsibility during an in-house transfer of a resident?
What is: Pack the resident's belongings.
_____________ refers to the type of ROM exercises that a resident does on his own and _____________ refers to the type of ROM exercises that are performed when a resident cannot move on his own. *If you answer with the abbreviations, you must be able to say what the abbreviations mean.
What is: AROM (Active Range of Motion), PROM (Passive Range of Motion)
How can an NA help promote independence and dignity while assisting with grooming?
What is: By honoring the resident's preferences.
To measure blood pressure, you need a stethoscope and a _____________________________ (you must spell it correctly with two errors or less)
What is: sphygmomanometer
Microorganisms thrive in environments that are ___________________and _______________________.
What is: moist and warm
How will the NA measure the height of a resident who cannot get out of bed?
What is: The NA will use a tape measure
________________means moving a body part away from the midline of the body and ________________ means bending a body part.
What is: Abduction and Flexion