Topic 1: Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport
Topic 2: Establishing an Environment for Learning and Excellence
Topic 3: Managing Classroom Procedures
Topic 4: Managing Student Behavior
Topic 5: Maintaining a Physical and Emotional Environment That is Safe and Productive

$100- The teacher knows how to establish a classroom climate that fosters learning, equity and excellence and uses this knowledge to create a physical and emotional environment that is safe and productive.

A: Competency 005


$100- The beginning teacher knows and understands the importance of _________ _________ for learning and the necessity of communicating teachers _________ for student _________.

(Answer: communicating enthusiasm/expectations/learning)


$100 - The beginning teacher is able to: “Organize and manage ______ to ensure that students work together cooperatively and productively.”

(A: Groups)


$100- A teacher uses facial expressions, body posture, hand signals, light signs, and noise-makers in order to get individual students or the class back on task.

(A. Nonverbal Response/ Nonverbal cueing)


$100- features and characteristics of physical spaces that are ____ and productive for learning

 (Answer: safe)


$200- The teacher understands strategies for creating an organized and productive learning environment and for managing student behavior.

A: Competency 006


$200 - 2.5s The beginning teacher is able to ensure that _______ ________ and ________, ___________, _________ __________, __________, and other elements of the classroom environment convey high expectations for student achievement.

(answer: instructional goals, objectives, activities, classroom interactions, assessments)


$200 - A teacher plans on being out of work on Tuesday, so she informs her students on Monday to be respectful and continue working on their projects from the day before. This teacher has a productive group of students, and decides to trust them without leaving notes for the substitute. Did this teacher do the right thing?

(A: No)


$200- An educational program to help students develop skills, attitudes, and knowledge to regulate and identify emotions, cultivate positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. (PowerSchool, 2021).

(A: Social-Emotional Learning)


$200- create a safe and inclusive _______ environment. 

(Answer: classroom)


$300- A middle-school history teacher wants to arrange student desks in a configuration that optimally promotes collaboration, positive interaction, and communication. Which of the following classroom-organizing strategies most effectively facilitates the teacher's goals?

A:The teacher clusters the desks into group configurations that allow students to talk with each other while still having a clear view of all presentational areas.


$300 - the beginning teacher is able to communicate to all students the importance of ___________ _______ and the expectation of ___________ _____.

(answer: instructional content/ high-quality work)


$300 - A current events teacher requires students to utilize the internet to find news resources. This teacher is worried about her students clicking on links to external sites. This teacher should discuss what with students to prevent this from happening?

(A: Internet Safety)


$300-A student is acting out in class and is unresponsive to the teacher’s attempts to get them back on task and not disrupt other students. This student typically never acts out. The teacher decides the best action is to report them to the counselor. Is this the best way this teacher could have reacted? True or False.

(A. False)


$300- respect students’ ____ and _____.

(Answer: rights, dignity)


$400- In order to create good classroom respect and rapport in a classroom, a teacher must remain mindful of the ways they interact with their students, the interactions they encourage and cultivate among students, as well as other teachers outside of their classroom. True or False



$400 - A history teacher in planning group assignments for the class. What should the teacher keep in mind when establishing this assignment?

(classroom interactions, objectives, assessment of individual accountability)


$400 - A teacher plans bell-to-bell activities for his students, but finds that they often don’t stay on task or listen to his requests. This teacher should have done what on the first day of school to prevent this?

(A: Establish classroom rules and procedures)


$400 - A teacher assigns her class an essay, allowing them to choose from four possible topics. When students turn in their rough drafts, the teacher finds that friend groups are choosing the same essay topics. This teacher should have a discussion with these students in order to uphold what?

 (A: Ethical Work Habits)


$400- use ______ for creating and maintaining a positive classroom environment.

(Answer: effective strategies)

  1. $500- A teacher wants to implement good respect and rapport in their classroom. Which one is the best way to do that?

A.   The teacher greets students by name as they enter the class or during the lesson

B.    The teacher says, “That’s an interesting idea, Adam, but you’re forgetting…”

C.    The teacher gets on the same level with students, such as kneeling beside a student working at a desk

(A: B. The teacher says, “That’s an interesting idea, Adam, but you’re forgetting…”)


$500 - Cognitively vibrant, high expectations for all students, hard work, students assume responsibility and initiate improvements.

(answer: establishing a culture for learning)


$500 - A teacher implemented ONE rule for renting laptops/chargers: that each laptop and charger is put back where the student found it. After a week of renting the computers, cords are tangled and computers are in the wrong order. 

This teacher is considering the following options: 

  1. Putting numbers on all computers/chargers and requiring that students use a sign-in sheet when they rent devices.

  2. Assigning one student the role of “class captain,” which requires that they make sure their peers put everything back neatly. 

The better option is what? 

(A: Put numbers on all computers/chargers and require that students use a sign-in sheet when they rent devices)


$500 - use __________ for monitoring and responding to positive and negative student behaviors.

(Answer: effective methods and procedures)


$500- features and characteristics of physical spaces that are safe and _______. 

Hint: three words.

(Answer: productive for learning)