What is How old are you in French
What is I hate France in French?
Je detest francais?
How do you say Long hair in French?
Cheveux longs
What are green eyes in French?
J'ai Les Yeux vert
What is I am American in French?
Je Suis américain
what is green eyes and blue eyes in French?
Yeux verts,
Yeux bleus
What is I am Spanish And American in French?
Je Suis Français, je suis Espagnol
what is your birthday in French and English?
your birthday in French and English
What do you like, dislike and prefer in French and English?
What you like, dislike and prefer in French and English.
What is the opposite of your hair length and your normal hair color?
the opposite of your hair length and your normal hair color in French and English.
what are green, blue and red eyes in French
Yeux verts,
Yeux bleus, Yeux rouge
What if I am American, French, and Spanish in French
Je Suis américain, Je Suis Français, je suis Espagnol