Planning Care
Providing Care
Coordinating Care

At every visit, nursing staff screen all patient's 13 and older and patient's of any age who have a behavioral health diagnosis using this assessment.

What is a Suicide Assessment? 
One hour after an oral pain medication or 30 minutes after an IV medication is given for pain, the RN does completes this reassessment?
What is Pain Reassessment? PC.01.02.07
The cardiac monitor keeps beeping every few minutes for low oxygen levels. The oxygen limits are set at default high and low settings. The patient is fine, but their baseline O2 Sat is less than the default low setting. The nurse changes the alarms limits to match the patients baseline so it alarms appropriately. 
What is Clinical Alarm Management? NPSG 06.01.01
The Medical Assistant has patient information that the provider needs to know, but he/she is not in the office. How do they securely and electronically contact this provider?
What is emessaging?
Length of time our organization retains patient health records.
What is forever?
Completed at least every 4 hours for in-patients. 

Completed during ED department visits.

Completed by the Medical Group Practice staff member who "rooms" a patient. 

Re-assessed and documented post intervention (within 30 min of an IV medication being given or within 60 minutes of a PO or alternative intervention being attempted).

What is Pain Assessment? PC.01.02.07

This inpatient plan is reviewed by an RN every 24 hours and updated as needed. Detailed patient information is added to the goals to provide comprehensive planning steps.

 An example: Patient will have pain controlled with PO pain medication prior to discharge.

What is "Individualized" Plan of Care? PC.01.03.01 EP1
One family member is frequently verbally abusive to staff taking care of their mother. Care is often interrupted and very difficult to complete. What type of contract can be done with the family member to outline acceptable behaviors if they want to be allowed to remain at the bedside?
What is a Behavioral Management Contract? PC 85 HAM Disruptive Patients PC-92 HAM Disruptive Family Members
A person appointed by the patient to decide health care options when the patient is unable to do so (Health Care Power of Attorney)
What is a Health Care Agent? Informed Consent Policy L-07 HAM
A document which states what health care decisions the patient wants (feeding tube, placement on a ventilator, etc.)
What is Advance Directive/Living Will? Policy PC-13 HAM Guide to Advance Directives
The first language a person learned as a child.
What is primary language? PC.02.01.21 EP1

-4 side rails up (for patients who don't require this for positioning for self positioning purposes).

 -Medication that is not a standard treatment or therapeutic dose for the patient’s medical or psychiatric condition and results in restricting the patient’s freedom of movement or is used to manage the patient’s behavior

-Hand mitts tied down to the bed.

What is a restraint?
During change of shift, transfer of patient to another nursing unit or transport of a patient to a testing location, patient care information is given from one staff member to another staff member ensuring proper patient care.
What is Hand-Off Communication?
The provider, RN, first year Resident, Nutritionist, and Pharmacist are all rounding together to determine the care needed for the patient. This type of group is known as?
What is Interdisciplinary Care Team? PC.02.01.05 EP 1
dated, legible signature of author and timed documents ** In-patient and Ambulatory Examples: Informed surgery/procedural consents, Time out for procedures, office notes, outside test results, History & Physical exams from primary providers
What is an "authenticated" medical record? CMS 482.24(b)
Information about a patient's previous pain scores and their fall risk can be quickly viewed here
What is the QI M-page? PC.01.02.07 and 08
A patient with a terminal illness decides to discontinue his /her dialysis treatments during an inpatient admission. This type of consult should be ordered by the provider?
What is palliative care consult? PC.02.02.13 EP1, 2
While assessing a patient, you determine his/her native language is not English. When asked which language he/she prefers to receive any healthcare information, he/she replies that English he is fine with English but would like copies of everything in Spanish as well because his wife will care for him at home and does not read English well. This conversation has identified the patient's what?
What is Preferred Healthcare Language? PC.02.01.21 EP1
The lab calls the RN with a critical result. The RN follows what process to assure the information they wrote down was correctly understood?
What is Read Back Verification process? CMS 482.23(c)(3)(i) Verbal Orders Verification
The number to call from a Medical Group Site if police or medical assistance is needed.
What is 911?
Goal: Identify addictive behavior history, patterns of abuse, impact on a patient's life/relationships and co-existing mental illness.
What is the assessment for psychosocial needs of patients with alcoholism or other substance abuse issues? PC.01.02.11 
The written version of a patient's required care, treatments, and services determined by assessment, reassessment, testing and results.
What is the patient's written plan of care? PC.01.03.01
An aggressive patient needs an extra large dose of Thorazine to control his/her very aggressive physical activity. The patient immediately is under staff's protective watch and "quiets" down. The medication used in this way is classified as this.
What is a Chemical Restraint? CMS 482.13 (e)(1)(i)(B) PC-77HAM Restraint and Seclusion: Non-Violent, Non-Self Destructive Behavior and Violent or Self-Destructive Beh.

Based on the patient's assessed home care needs, the Social Worker, provider, physical therapist and the patient and family work together to develop what will need to happen in order for the patient to leave the hospital.

What is Discharge Planning or Transitions of Care Plans? PC.02.02.01

Say hello/state your name and role

Explain what you will be doing and the time it will take

 Ask for questions

Achieve understanding

Thank & close

What is S E A T Communication Model?