This social media platform has different groups and subgroups for varying interests.
What is Reddit?
This is the second president of the United States.
Who is John Adams?
This is the fastest running dog breed.
What is a Greyhound?
This former US president made slavery illegal in the US.
Who is Abraham Lincoln?
Alternatively called "Orange"
What is Apple?
This social media platform was founded on October 2010
What is Instagram?
This was the only president to serve 3 terms.
Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt?
This was the dog breed of Snoopy.
What is a Beagle?
This famous scientists produced his "Theory of Relativity" and completely revolutionized physics.
Who is Albert Einstein?
* Daily Double *
Alternatively called, "Sahara"
What is Amazon?
The idea for this platform started as a website to rate women.
What is Facebook?
* Daily Double *
This was the first president elected from Virginia.
Who is George Washington?
This dog breed's sense of smell is so good that it's tracking results can be considered evidence in a court room.
What is a Bloodhound?
This person wrote a work published by her father that was originally called "Diary of a Young Girl".
Who is Anne Frank?
Alternatively called "Dat Knee"
What is Disney?
This was the first social media platform to utilize hashtags
What is Twitter/X?
This president killed a man in a duel
Who is Andrew Jackson?
This is the state dog of Pennsylvania.
What is a Great Dane?
This person was instrumental in the formation of The Ninety-Nines, an organization for female pilots.
Who is Amelia Earhart?
Alternatively called "Moon dollars"
What is "Starbucks"?
This is the most followed Instagram account.
What is Instagram?
This was the first president to have two non-consecutive terms.
Who is Grover Cleveland?
This dog was originally bred to be a water retriever
What is a poodle?
This ancient person was a tutor to many royals including Alexander the Great.
Who is Aristotle?
Alternatively called "Edison"
What is Tesla?