Which dish is made of fries, cheese and gravy?
What is the most popular sport in the world?
What country celebrates Cinco de Mayo on the 5th of May?
Morticia, Wednesday and Pugsley are all part of which spooky family?
The Addams Family
What is the word for your safety being in jeopardy. The possibility of suffering harm or injury.
What cheese, particularly loved by kids, is wrapped in red wax?
What does NBA stand for?
National Basketball Association
True/False. The Romans believed that May was the luckiest month of the year to get married.
False, May was the unluckiest month to get married.
In which city is The Godfather set in?
New York City
Among nobility it's the rank just under prince.
Which country is most associated with feta cheese?
In which sport do teams compete to win the Stanley Cup?
Ice Hockey
What is May's birthstone?
A) Topaz B) Peridot C) Emerald
A fatal love story starring Natalie Wood and Richard Beymer that won an Oscar for Best picture (1961).
West Side Story
To distribute cards in an orderly rotation to players in a game or to settle a contract, you made a...
What country is brie cheese originally from?
Sumo-Wrestling is a popular sport in which country?
What is May's birth flower?
A) Lily B) Petunias C) Camellia
Lily of the Valley
Which country has won Eurovision the highest number of times, collecting a total of seven wins?
A) Sweden B) Ireland C) Italy
A bird with a small head, short legs, and a cooing voice. Feeding on Seeds or fruit. Also a popular brand.
What was Edam Cheese used for in the Dutch town of Edam when the battle between Montevideo and Buenos Aires in 1841 happened?
A) Javelin B) Weights C) Cannonballs
Cannon Balls
How many regulation strokes are there in swimming?
A) 2 B) 3 C) 4
How does the town of Stilton in England celebrate May Day each year?
A) Wife Carrying Contest B) A Cheese Rolling Contest C) Beard and Moustache Contest
B) A Cheese Rolling Contest
Born in 1942, she is an American singer, actress, songwriter, producer, and director. Her career spanned six decades. The Way We Were, Funny Girl, A Star is Born.
Barbra Streisand
A flat, thin circular object.