
The publishers, unwilling to shoulder the entire risk, insisted that the author pay half the cost of the initial print run of his controversial new book.

The authors were required to cover half the cost of the first print run of his contentious new book by the publishers because they were hesitant to take on the full risk.


Taciturn by nature, Jones spoke very little even to his own family members.

Jones was naturally reserved and seldom ever spoke to his own family.


 All good comic writers use humor to solve, not to side-step the problems of human behavior.

Each and every one of the best comics uses comedy to address issues with human conduct, not to avoid them.


Many people at that time believed that spices help preserve food; however, Hall found that many marketed spices were teeming with bacteria, moulds and yeasts.

1. Many people at the time believed that spices kept food from spoiling, but Hall discovered that many commercially available spices were rife with germs, molds, and yeasts.

2. At the time, many people thought that spices helped maintain food, but Hall observed that many commonly available spices were infested with germs, molds, and yeasts.


Rock music has often been credited with (or decried for) containing subliminal messages, purportedly to influence the minds of unsuspecting listeners.

Many times, subtle advertising in rock music has been acknowledged (or condemned) for influencing the brains of naive listeners.


The revolution in art has not lost its steam; it rages on as fiercely as ever.

1. The artistic revolution is still raging with all of its might.

2. The artistic movement is still gaining momentum and is still raging vigorously.


Each occupation has its own jargon; bankers, lawyers and computer professionals, for example, all use among themselves language which outsiders have difficulty following.

Every profession has its own vocabulary; for instance, bankers, attorneys, and computer experts all use a terminology that is difficult to understand to others outside their industry.