Taylor Swift Music
Special Education
Rams Way Trivia
How well do you know your RAM FAM?
Laws and Acts

Taylor Swift's dated album

What is 1989?


The abbreviation IEP stands for

What is an Individualized Education Plan?


What 9 letter word is one of our four pillars?

What is Motivated?

After flirting at a TCSS de-escalation class, these two love birds got married and are both a part of our Ram Fam.

Who are Coach Harper and Mrs. Harper?


DHR Referrals are made by this person

Who is the person witnessing the abuse or neglect?


Taylor Swift's signature lipstick color

What is RED?


Each IEP has a given LRE. The LRE determines the students...

What is Least Restrictive Environment?


Part of our Rams Way Motto is "proving we can be ________".

What is TRUSTED?


This teacher has two children, a husband named Matt, loves to travel, and is from Hamilton, Alabama.

Who is Mrs. Harding?


You have knowledge that a student has threatened to harm themselves or others and know to contact

Who is the Student Welfare Response Team?


This Midnights album song was reworded after Taylor's relationship to Kelcie at a live performance

What is Karma?


School-aged children with suspected learning disabilities are identified under this policy

What is Child Find?

Students complete a "Think Sheet" after their ________ minor offense.

What is second?

This Walker Ram rides a motorcycle, loves to sew, 3 kids, 9 grandkids, a husband named Mark, and you will find her at most Ram sports events.

Who is Robin Lunceford?


This law requires that all public schools in each state implement a prevention-oriented child sexual abuse program

What is Erin's Law?


This Taylor Swift song was sang by Rosita in Illuminations' SING

What is Shake It Off?

All Special Education referrals must begin in this local school process.

What is PST?


Horseplaying is at this level of offense

What is major?


After attending Southern Academy and UA, this teacher married her husband John, had children, and enjoys camping in the family RV.

Who is Meredith Hayworth?


If a parent reports a case of bullying, it is the ________ responsibility to make a formal complaint on the student's behalf.

Who is the parent?


"But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time." are the lyrics to Taylor Swift's song...

What is Look What You Made Me Do?


Before a student with a 504 or an IEP can be relocated for disciplinary reasons to an alternate location, they must first have a __________ Determination.

What is Manifestation?


Students that make a threat towards another student are to receive these two responses.

What are a threat assessment protocol and disciplinary write-up?


The Ram Fam member loves her baby Milo, hopefully not as much as her fella Ethan; peanut m&m's and diet dr. pepper. It won't be long and she will be styling a white dress!

Who is Ms. Kaley Jones?


The deliberate, self-inflicted destruction of body tissue resulting in immediate damage, without suicidal intent, and for purposes not culturally sanctioned.

What is non-suicidal self-injury?