Production skills
Podcast, tweeting & product
VR, Chatbot & Manipulated video
Gender & Race
Data Journalism

When editing together a scene shot from multiple camera angles, always try to use shots that are looking at the subject from at least a difference of __ degrees. Otherwise, the shots are too similar and appear almost like a jump cut to the audience.

What is the “45-degree” rule for video editing?



What was the hashtag used on Twitter late in the day? But Quigley said there was no identifiable hashtag in this story early on.


Altering the frames of a video — cropping, changing speed, using Photoshop, dubbing audio, or adding or deleting visual information — can deceive the viewer.

What is “doctoring”?


Forty-one percent of staff journalists and 47 percent of freelancers told Columbia Journalism Review they’d experienced ____ in a newsroom, yet 67 percent of staffers didn’t report the incident to HR.

Why “sexual harassment” is something many women – and men – experience during their careers?


Knight Foundation’s Eric Newton said, “____ is the grammar of the 21st century.” Those fundamentals include some ability to hack your way through basic HTML, to understand embed codes and to be able to navigate a content-management system. 

What Eric Newton said about learning “basic coding”?


Hooks, Length, Sourcing, Accountability, Pitching, and Pay

What are the six major differences between writing for online and print publications?


Listen to users’ needs and empathize with them; Create roadmaps, user stories, and customer journeys; Set a product vision; Build agile teams with cross-functional resources; Launch MVPs that “get the job done”; Set the right KPIs, and measure them correctly; Observe, pivot, deliver, and repeat.

How to ship the right product to their users (product thinking)?


Using Artificial Intelligence to create high-quality fake images simulates audio and convincingly swaps out background images. Deepfakes and other synthetic media fall into this category.

What is “fabrication”?


This minority has been hit harder by recent layoffs in the news industry than any other group.

What “women of color” in the news industry have been thorough?


Besides learning to code, Nate Silver advised youngsters just getting their career started to do something _______.

they're passionate about.


Avoid distractions in the frame, listen for good sound, and make sure it doesn’t look sloppy.

What are the tips for producing the perfect news video?


Quigley asked people “Did you witness the plane crash? Please call reporter Tony Plohetski at 445-3605.”

How did Quigley make requests for information from Twitter users (crowdsourcing)?


Effective VR experiences are designed around ________. Rather than passive consumers, VR viewers should be active participants in the stories they’re watching.

“storyliving,” not just storytelling.


Rebecca Baker, president of the Society of Professional Journalists, believes news outlets can continue to build and regain ___ by taking the lead in how they address inappropriate sexual behavior in the workplace.

Why is addressing inappropriate sexual behavior linked to “public trust”?


The Pew Research Center has recently conducted this detailed exploration of using ____ to tell the story of Flint, Michigan’s water crisis.

What is the example of using “search trends” for reporting?


A plant or lamp appearing to stick out of the interview subject’s head. Or people moving around in clear focus behind the subject. Or a sign in the background that people will read instead of focusing on the people in the foreground.

What would an "in-frame distraction" be?


To keep updated about topics of personal interest (46 per cent) and to learn something new (39 per cent). Other motivations include to fill empty time (25 per cent) and as a change from music (22 per cent).

According to the Digital News Report, what are the motivations for listening to podcasts?


Participation, embodiment, and “a sense of total freedom.”

What makes VR compelling for viewers?


A Columbia Journalism Review survey ______ from the 149 newsrooms contacted for a report on staff policies and training around sexual harassment.

failed to elicit a single response from any of the 149 newsrooms


The best data journalism is still the most ____ and ____, and there are now many examples that tell that story.

Why data journalism is still about being “open and transparent“?


A subject who exits frame right should enter the next shot frame left. Otherwise, it appears they turned around and are walking in the other direction. Or, if the subject is holding something in one shot, don't cut directly to a shot of them empty-handed.

What is the “match the scene” rule for video editing?


Sponsorship, investments, skills, and the power of platforms (e.g., Apple & Spotify).

Why do many publishers worry about how podcast can be monetized?


And most CS majors will not learn these communication skills until they are already in the work force. For many, this is a barrier in the way of management promotions. I also think it’s valuable to learn to appreciate and honor______.

I also think it’s valuable to learn to appreciate and honor the work of non-technical members of a team.


The Canadian federal charges forced The Times to confront long-simmering doubts about the series. Its fresh reporting by a new team of reporters led to the conclusion that ______.

the central figure in their narrative for Caliphate was probably a fabricator. The Times later issued a retraction for most of the podcast series.


Silver was working hard on something that combined two passions: sports and data. He eventually created the ____ system for projecting baseball player performance.

What is Nate Silver’s prediction technology “PECOTA” about?