Themes & topics

Which character tried to publicly shame Beowulf when he first arrived in Heorot?



what symbol does the dragon represent? 

The dragon represents greed


Where is Grendel's mother's lair?

Under the lake


How do the descriptions of the celebrations in Beowulf make you feel?

up to personal interpretation but prove your answers


What are the main topics discussed in the poem?

The topics are reputation, revenge, jealousy, and loyalty but more can be right if proved with evidence 


Who are the characters in Danes family line? Which characters are in the Geats family line?  

Danes - Shield( great grandfather),Beow (grandfather), Halfdane (father), Hrothgar, Wealhtheow (wife), Hrethric (son), Hrothulf (nephew), and Hrothmund (son)

Geats - Ecgtheow (father), Hygelac (uncle), Hygd (aunt), Heardred (son of Hygelac and Hygd), Beowulf


What does Wiglaf symbolize? 

Wiglaf symbolizes loyalty because he stayed with Beowulf to fight the dragon


Name the different settings throughout the poem? 

Geatland, Heorot Hall, the Dragon's cave, Grendel's cave and his mother's lair


Give an example of one of the 5 senses elicited from the imagery in the poem (what was being described and what did you feel) ?

up to personal interpretation but prove your answers


What characters display the topic of revenge in the poem?

The dragon and Grendel's mother


What is the motivation for Grendel and his mother? 

Grendel's motivation is his jealousy of the celebration at Heorot Hall and his mother's motivation is the revenge of her son. 


What does Grendel represent?

Grendel represents evil and jealousy


The Dane's were previously known for what place before Grendel attacks? 

The Dane's were known for Heorot Hall but its reputation was later tarnished when Grendel attacked


What senses are evoked in the descriptions of Haldane's funeral ?

The senses evoked could be sight, smell and touch but any answer is acceptable as long as it is proved


Why is reputation so highly valued in their society?

It's a patriarchal society so who a character’s family line is is important because it means his father was a man of significance and therefore worthy of respect


What is Beowulf's motivation throughout the story?

Hrothgar helped Beowulf's father so he wants to adhere to his code of honor and stay loyal to Hrothgar. 


What does Beowulf represent and how does it show in his character? 

Beowulf represent an epic hero that stands for honor, bravery and glory. These characteristics are shown through his actions of helping Hrothgar 


How do the people of Geatland react to the news of Beowulf killing Grendel and his mother? 

Hygelac and the others are proud because a warrior from Geatland was able to do such a feat of strength and it grows the legend of Beowulf


What are the details that make the fight scene between Grendel and Beowulf imagery and what sense is being targeted?

The details of Grendel's wound using details like the descriptions of the sinews splitting and the  bone lapping bursting target the sense of sight from seeing the split and sound from hearing the burst


How does Grendel’s jealousy create a following cycle for the Danes?

Grendel starts the cycle by attacking because he was jealous, causing Beowulf to kill him leading to his mother to attack Herot hall again prompting Beowulf to fight again.


Which characters are foils of each other? 

Beowulf and Unferth (brave, honorable warrior vs. unhonorable coward) 


What does Heorot Hall represent to the Danes and why is it important to them? 

Heorot Hall represents hospitality and celebration and it is important because it showcases the Dane's glory and pride 


Why is it important that the story begins and ends with a funeral? 

The story beginning with Shield’s funeral and ending with Beowulf's is important because it is a parallel emphasizing how they were both great kings


What is the imagery used for Shield's funeral compared to when he was first found ?  

He was first found with nothing because he was an orphan and at his funeral he is a well known and good king so he s treated as such and is adorned in gold


Why does family reputation motivate Beowulf and others in their society to succeed?

Family representation motivates Beowulf because he has to adhere strictly to the heroic code of the time (loyalty) motivating Beowulf to fight Grendel because if he does not stay loyal to Hrothgar for helping his father he is considered a bad hero or warrior