Ethical Decisions
Conflict Resolution
Respectful Behaviours

What is empathy?

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person.


What is an ethical decision?

making a decision that is based on a person's own beliefs and values such as trust, respect, or fairness. 


Name one way to resolve a conflict



problem solving

postponing the conflict



describe respectful communication?

respectful communication means to display appropriate body language and ensuring you are actively listening. Ensuring tone of voice is maintained


What does respect mean?

When you value someone and treat them with kindness and fairness regardless if you have different beliefs or opinions.


How do you show empathy to a friend who is upset?

Console them and let them know you are here for them if they want to talk to you about what is bothering them.


How do fairness and respect affect decision-making?

being fair and respectful means your decisions are unbiased and take into account different perspectives. 


Name two ways to show respect during a disagreement.

actively listening to the other person and understanding their point of view

maintaining tone of voice


how can body language affect communication?

If someone is talking to you but you are yawning in front of them and not listening to them, this will show you are being rude and don't respect the person talking. 


Name two ways to show respectful behaviours in any relationship

apologising when you done something wrong and being sincere.

providing constructive feedback 

using appropriate language in conversation


How can you tell when someone needs empathy?

When they are upset and distancing themselves from others. 


Give an example of an ethical decision in a relationship.

Choosing to tell the truth when your friend asks for your opinion, even if it may hurt their feelings because honesty is important for trust.


Why is it important to understand both sides of a conflict?

to ensure a fair decision is made and both parties are satisfied with the outcome


Describe features of respectful communication

good posture

paraphrasing what was said

repeating what was said

appropriate body language and tone of voice


Describe a scenario in which someone is not displaying respectful behaviours

A boss is yelling at their employee for accidently shredding important documents even though they didn't know because it was their first day on the job.


Give an example of a situation where empathy helps build a relationship.

Being empathetic towards a new student in your class. They may feel alone and uncomfortable on their first day so recognising this and approaching them can help form a friendship


How can ethical decisions help solve conflicts?

they help form fair decisions as you consider both parties opinions/side of the story. this helps form a compromise which can lead to a solved conflict


Give a scenario where conflict may occur

Disagreement on assessment task in group

Discrimination in the workplace

At a family gathering planning a wedding


give an example of when you would show good communication

in an interview. You want to make sure you are sitting upright and actively listening to the employer that wants to hire you. Speaking in a good tone and using appropriate language shows respect in the conversation


Describe how you would show respect to a classmate part of your group project because of their lack of contribution to the group

I would sit with them and speak to them about how I think they are not putting enough effort in helping the team in a respectful manner and ask why that is the case


Why is empathy important in a healthy friendship?

It allows friends to share their feelings and emotions, forming a deep connection of trust between each other. When friends speak to each other about their feelings they are able to support each other through the good ad bad times.


Why is honesty important in ethical decisions?

to ensure there is no bias or favouring someone over others. to ensure a fair decision is made


Sarah and Emma are working on a project for school together. They divided tasks to complete equally among each other, however Sarah has not completed anything, leaving all the work for Emma. This has made Emma angry and frustrated resulting in her calling Sarah lazy and a bad partner. How can you solve this conflict?

As a teacher I would speak to both of them privately after class and understand what the situation is. Then come up with the right decision that will help them work together as a team.


How does empathy improve communication?

when you show empathy towards someone they are more likely to trust you and confide in you. This will help them communicate their feelings better with you and also help you give good advice


How is a relationship impacted if there is no respectful behaviours? give an example

Lead to conflicts and disagreement. For example a divorced couple that does not show respect to each other can impact their relationship with their kids.