How many days was Jonah inside the whale?
3 days
Turning water into wine
This dude was Jesus' head disciple. What's his name?
What is the first book of the Bible?
When a baby is baptized at CtK, the pastor pours water on the baby's head how many times?
3 times
How many years did Moses and the Israelites wander in the desert?
40 years
Jesus healed a man after the man's friends lowered him down through the roof of a house. Why did the man need healing?
The man was paralyzed. (He couldn't move his legs.)
This wild dude was Jesus' cousin. What's his name?
John the Baptist
What book of the Bible tells the story of a man who survived a night in a lions' den?
What river was Jesus baptized in?
Jordan River
How many brothers did Joseph (in the Old Testament) have?
11 brothers
In last week's story, Jesus healed ten men. What disease did the men have?
This dude and his wife had a baby when they were in their 90s. What's his name?
Which book of the Bible tells the story of the Israelites fleeing slavery in Egypt?
What season of the church year consists of the 4 weeks before Christmas?
David was one of ____ sons of a man named Jesse.
8 sons
Jesus calmed a storm on the Sea of _______.
This dude was a giant but was killed by a small boy's slingshot. What's his name (the giant, not the boy)?
Which books of the Bible are together called "the Gospels"?
What man started the Reformation by nailing a list of 95 discussion points on a church door?
Martin Luther
Joshua and his followers marched around the city of Jericho for how many days?
7 days
Jesus brought one of his friends back from the dead, after the man was already in the tomb. What was the man's name?
This dude was the Roman official who sentenced Jesus to death. What's his name?
Pontius Pilate
What is the last book of the Old Testament?
What day of the church year celebrates the Wise Men finding Jesus?