This is the threat of or actual use of physical force against oneself or another person.
The core of dating abuse is?
Power and control
In some situations, cyber bullying is considered?
Children who are raised in ______ ______ or witness violence are more likely to use violence to solve their problems.
Violent Homes
CDC stands for?
The Center for Disease Control and prevention
Every ____ _____ someone in the U.S dies from a gunshot wound.
18 minutes
A pattern of controlling behavior that someone uses against a girlfriend or a boyfriend.
Dating abuse
Not sharing your password is one way to ________ Cyber bulling
Chat rooms, “virtual” rooms, online forums and message boards. Within these social exchange sites, children disseminate and exchange information they deem important, socially relevant or noteworthy for their peers to view, comment on and share with other peers.
Bash boards
What is one benefit of drinking more water?
Helps control blood sugar
speeds up metabolism
carries nutrients through body
Rate of violence is highest in _______ _______ ________ where unemployment rates are high.
poor urban communities
Digital disrespect is a form of ____ Abuse
Cyberbullies often post online _______ so that they cannot be traced easily and stopped.
Cyber bullying victims are more likely to have low self esteem and to _____ ______
consider suicide
Apples. bandannas, oranges and strawberries all have around 3-4 grams of what?
intentionally killing of one person by another.
These are instilled in our heads from birth (hence, pink is for girls and blue is for boys)
Gender roles
Online bullying and harassment can be easier to commit than other acts of bullying because?
The bully doesn't have to confront his or her target in person.
after every abusive incident comes a make-up honeymoon phase. This is called what?
Circle of abuse
What is a bystander?
A person who is present at an event or incident, but does not take part.
What's an assailant?
a person who attacks another person
Name two red flags of dating abuse.
Acts JEALOUS and frequently accuses you of things
Constantly CHECKS UP on you by calling or texting
Calls you names or PUTS YOU DOWN
Tells you WHAT TO DO, what to wear or how to act
THREATENS to harm themselves if you ever break up with them
Only _ in _ teens tells a parent if they have been a cyber bully victim
1 in 10
A gun kept in the _____ is more likely to kill a family member or friend than an intruder.
8 tablespoons of sugar = how many grams of sugar?