Bible Books
Finish the Song!
Current Events

How many books are in the Bible? 



Which Disney movie talks about emotions? 

Inside Out


Complete the song!

I once was blind, I could not ______. ______ of sin had ________ me. But God in ______ heard my _______, Jesus, Jesus ________ me.

I once was blind, I could not see. Chains of sin had shackled me. But God in heaven heard my plea, Jesus, Jesus rescued me.


Fill in the blanks.

To stop the spread of coronavirus, you should: 

1. Wash your hands for at least _____ seconds.

2. Wear a mask that covers your _____ and ______ anytime you are around other people.

3. Stay at least ______ feet apart from other people when you go outside or when someone indoors might have COVID-19.

To stop the spread of coronavirus, you should: 

1. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds. (Sing the happy birthday song two times)

2. Wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth anytime you are around other people.

3. Stay at least 6 feet apart from other people when you go outside or when someone indoors might have COVID-19.



What's teacher Elizabeth's last name? 



Who became a Christian after meeting Jesus on his way to Damascus?



Name all 5 emotions from the Emotions Curriculum.

1. Anger

2. Fear

3. Disgust

4. Sadness

5. Joy


Complete the song!

The world is _______ for an answer, a ray of ______ in a _________ world. Who can we _____ to? Where is our _______? There is ________, He's the ______. He's the ______ and He'll light the ______. He's name is ________, and He came to _______ us.

The world is searching for an answer, a ray of hope in a hopeless world. Who can we turn to? Where is our rescue? There is someone, He's the answer. He's the light and He'll light the way. He's name is Jesus, and He came to save us.


Name one person whose hurt and pain from actions of the police sparked people to participate in the Black Lives Matter movement.

Name one person whose hurt and pain from actions of the police sparked people to participate in the Black Lives Matter movement. 

George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Ahmaud Arbery, Rayshard Brooks, Philando Castile, Trayvon Martin, Emmett Till, Christopher Cooper, Rodney King

(And countless others)


Where did teacher Jaehee go for missions? 



Which of the following is a poetry book in the Old Testament? 

A) Jonah   B) Psalms   C) Isaiah   D) Judges



Who was Jesus' sick friend who died, and Jesus raised him from death? 



Complete the song!

Sometimes we may not ________ each detail of God's perfect _______. But we ____ the things we ____, because His love ________ us to. Whoa, let's go where God _______ us. Whoa, just like _______.

Sometimes we may not understand each detail of God's perfect plan. But we do the things we do, because His love compels us to. Whoa, let's go where God leads us. Whoa, just like Jesus.


What does the Bible say about racism? How should we treat people around us? (Hint: it’s related to what the Bible says about favoritism. Go to Bible passage James 2:1-4, 8-9) 

Once you have the answer please raise your hand 🙋🏻‍♀️ 

What does the Bible say about racism? How does James 2:1-4, 8-9 say we should treat people around us?

My friends, as believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, you must never treat people in different ways according to their outward appearance. - ‭‭James‬ ‭2:1‬ ‭GNT‬‬

You will be doing the right thing if you obey the law of the Kingdom, which is found in the scripture, “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” But if you treat people according to their outward appearance, you are guilty of sin, and the Law condemns you as a lawbreaker. -‭‭James‬ ‭2:8-9‬ ‭GNT‬‬

We need to repent of the sin of racism or bias or partiality and we need to love all God’s people in the way we would want to be treated, with respect and love.


Name 3 fruits of the Spirit. 

Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-Control.


Name the 4 Gospel books in the New Testament.

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. 


What was Zacchaeus' job?

Tax collector


Complete the song!

When my _____ and ______ are far from me and I'm running out of ________, I see the _______ I pictured slowly _______ away. And when the tears of ______ and _______ are falling down my ______, I find my _______ in Jesus' name.

When my hopes and dreams are far from me and I'm running out of faith, I see the future I pictured slowly fade away. And when the tears of pain and heartache are falling down my face, I find my peace in Jesus' name.


Name 4 activities that have been popular during quarantine/shelter-in-place orders.

Name 4 activities that have been popular during quarantine/shelter-in-place orders.

Adopt a pet 🐱 🐶 

Online - Tiktok dance challenges, Start a YouTube channel, Zoom calls with friends or family

Watch lots of tv - Avatar the last Airbender, The Last Dance, Hamilton 

Video Games - Animal Crossing, Roblox, Minecraft, Fortnite

Online Games with friends - Scribblio, Uno and friends, jackbox games, psych, Houseparty 

Activities -  Recreate famous art pieces at home, Jigsaw Puzzles 🧩, Read books, Learn a new language

Art - Watercolor Painting, Chalk art, Coloring books, Origami

Crafts - Tie-dye, Making masks

Outside activity: Indoor/outdoor gardening, Exercise/walking, Birdwatching, Camping


Which teacher created the Rewards Chart poster? 

Teacher James. 


Name the first 5 books in the Old Testament.

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.


Recite the memory verse for the Emotions curriculum

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength." 

- Deuteronomy 6:5


Complete the song!

Everywhere I go, your love ________ me. Everywhere I turn, your grace ________ me. Nothing in the world can ________ us now, oh oh. Every _____ I take, you're there to ______ me. Every day I ______, your mercy _____ me. Nothing in the world can ever take this _____ away.

Everywhere I go, your love surrounds me. Everywhere I turn, your grace reminds me. Nothing in the world can separate us now, oh oh. Every step I take, you're there to guide me. Every day I wake, your mercy finds me. Nothing in the world can ever take this love away.


What does God say about justice in the Bible? What are some things we can do when we want to seek justice? (Go to the Bible passage in Luke 18:1-8)

Once you have the answer please raise your hand 🙋🏻

What does God say about justice in Luke 18:1-8? What are some things we can do when we want to seek justice?

1. Acknowledge that there are unrighteous rulers. Sadly there are not always good leaders around us.

2. Even though there may be roadblocks or times we have to wait, we have to stay strong and be vocal when we see areas of injustice. In the story, even the unjust ruler was persuaded by persistently bringing the truth to his attention time and time again.

3. We have a just God who wants to bring justice to the world today! He is an all loving and good God that listens to His children.


What does ACTS stand for in the ACTS Prayer?




