Who is capable of experiencing suicidal ideation?
Instead of saying, "Commit Suicide", we say " _____________"
"Die by suicide" or "kill self"
Which of these two can be seen as "the straw that broke the camel's back"?
Hazardous Event or Precipitating Event
Precipitating Event
What are the three levels/descriptors we use to describe someone's suicide lethality?
Low, Medium and High
In terms of the progression of suicidal thinking, what typically comes after someone feeling stressed?
Instead of saying, "You must feel so angry" we could say, " _____________________"
"It sounds like you feel angry."
What is the acronym we use for active listening skills?
True or False: "Loss" in a lethality assessment only pertains to material losses, such as a house or preferred item.
A loss can be anything from a material possession to a job, breakup or ongoing mental health struggles, etc.
What is the difference between feeling helpless and feeling hopeless?
Helpless- I can't help myself
Hopeless- Nobody can help me
Why do we not start questions with the word "why"?
It can put people on the defensive and also come off as judgmental.
What is the acronym we use for our call process?
(Think: Hourglass)
What do we mean by "priors" and why is it important to ask about/know?
Prior means a prior suicide attempt (or ideation). It is important to ask about because it can increase the level of lethality as it speaks to acquired capability.
What are three historical suicide risk factors?
Prior attempts, history of abuse and/or neglect and family history of suicide
Open up this question: "Are you going to speak with your partner about this?"
"How would you feel about speaking with your partner?"
"What do you think would happen if you spoke with your partner..."
What does a "buffer" mean when assessing for suicide?
It's the thing/person/event worth staying alive for. It's the person's connection to life.
What is the difference between "method" and "means"?
Method refers to the chosen modality for one to attempt suicide (i.e. pills, gun, crash their car, etc.).
Means pertains to the person's access to their chosen method.
What is one feeling all people with thoughts of suicide have in common?
True or False: When asking about suicide, it's better if you don't ask directly or use the word "suicide."
50 Bonus points for the explanation of why.
What are the six components of a traditional safety plan?
1. Warning Signs
2. Internal coping strategies
3. People and/or social settings that provide distraction.
4. People who can be asked for help.
5. Professionals/Agencies to contact during a crisis.
6. The thing that is most important/worth living for.
What would you rate the lethality for someone who meets the following description:
He/She has multiple prior suicide attempts, as well as a plan, but does not have the means to carry out their plan.