Politics and Citizenship
Presidential Programs
Important Acts
The nationality of the first large European immigrant wave in the 1700's
What is mostly English?
When elected officials reward supporters with government jobs. President Andrew Jackson fired almost 10% of federal govt. employees when he took power and then gave the jobs to loyalists.
What is the Spoils System?
New major spending programs that addressed education, medical care, urban problems, and transportation were launched during this period.
What is The Great Society?
Drew an imaginary line across portions of the Louisiana Territory and prohibited slavery north of that line.
What is the Missouri Compromise
Which advocate is most associated with Public Education? A) David Walker B) Horace Mann C) Rachel Carlson
B) Horace Mann. Public education gained a large following in the 1840s. Mann was Secretary of Education in Mass. in the 40s and 50s.
The Act passed in 1882 prevented Chinese workers from immigrating to America.
What is the Chinese exclusion Act?
What is the meaning behind the term "Bleeding Kansas" A) Cows Were Savagely Slaughtered by angry Native Americans B) The State was LITERALLY Raining Blood C) The Brutal Massacre of Pro-Slavery Men
C) The Brutal Massacre of Pro-Slavery Men. Deeply religious antislavery activist John Brown initiated a bloody massacre of proslavery men along the banks of the Pottawatomie Creek. Brown, his sons and several followers used knives to kill 5 men. Open violence would continue in the Kansas territory for the next several year (a dress rehearsal for the civil war).
Any further efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be viewed as acts of aggression, requiring U.S. intervention.
What is The Monroe Doctrine?
Made the railroads the first industry to be regulated by the federal government. After the Civil War, railroads were privately owned and entirely unregulated, creating a natural monopoly with the power to set prices and control the market.
What is Interstate Commerce Act of 1887
What is the Ostend Manifesto and which countries did it involve? A) Cuba and Belgium B) Germany and Mexico C) Japan and British owned Canada
A) Cuba and Belgium. 1850s: Southern expansionists tried to extend slavery further south to Cuba, when Spain refused they tried to use force and the American Govt. and president Franklin Pierce stepped in and in secret, sent American diplomats to Ostend, Belgium to negotiate the purchase of Cuba. Their goals were written in the Ostend Manifesto (1854).
The test congress required immigrants to pass in 1917. A.) A Literacy Test B.) An Eye Test C.) A History Test D.) A Math Test A.) Congress requires immigrants to pass an literacy test under the 1917 Immigration Act.
What is A.) Congress requires immigrants to pass an literacy test under the 1917 Immigration Act.
The final acquisition in what would become the continental United States, acquired from Mexico in 1853, 5 years after the Mexican War.
What is the Gasden Purchase?
Set of proposals put forward by United States President Harry S. Truman to the United States Congress in his January 1949 State of the Union address.
What is the Fair Deal?
Helped restore the devastated economies of postwar Europe and, in so doing, reduce the threat of Communist takeover in those vulnerable countries.
What is the Economic Cooperation Act (Marshall Plan.)
What was the Lovejoy incident and who was involved? A) Beau B) Mary C) Elijah D) John
C) Elijah. 1837 he was an abolitionist newspaper publisher in Illinois who was killed by a pro slavery mob. He had also been the subject of harassment, mobs destroyed his printing press 3 times before they killed. Incident sent a chill over the abolitionist movement.
The main cause for the decline in immigration between 1930-1964.
What is restrictive laws, the Great Depression, World War II, and the Cold War.
1856: Brutally beaten after giving a pointed antislavery speech called "Crimes Against Kansas" in which he singled out Senator Andrew P. Butler of South Carolina. Butler's nephew would eventually come to the speech giver's desk and brutally beat him with a "..."
What is Charles Sumner beaten with a cane?
Passed in 1890 to limit monopolistic practices, act was not enforced with a great deal of enthusiasm. First targeted the Northern Securities Company, a railroad holding company.
What is the Sherman Antitrust Act in Teddy Roosevelt's Square Deal
Designed to protect consumers from large corporations that were using unfair means to raise prices artificially -- such as intentionally producing too few goods to meet consumer demand in order to drive up the price of a product.
What is the Sherman Antitrust Act?
In 1818, both the United States and British owned Canada shared Oregon County. But the 1830s/40s, Adventurous Americans began to settle by the Willamette River. By 1844, politicians pushed for sole U.S. ownership over Oregon County and by 1846, the Polk administration reached an agreement with Great Britain by establishing the U.S./Canadian border at the 49th Parallel still in use today.
What is 54 40' or Fight.
It forbids hiring of illegal immigrants; helps them become legal immigrants.
What is Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986?
The Cherokee people tried to fight the Indian Removal Act and in BOTH cases the Supreme Court recognized the Cherokee people as a nation within the state of Georgia and ruled that they should not be subject to the Act. Eventually led to Trail of Tears, President Jackson overstepped presidential boundaries.
What is Worcester v. Georgia and Cherokee Nation v. Georgia?
Act established the National Labor Relations Board to oversee union elections and to mediate conflicts between workers and owners. Also prohibited owners from taking punitive actions against workers who looked to organize unions. Greatly increased union activity.
What is FDR's Wagner Act in the Square Deal
Increased the residency requirement for American citizenship from five to fourteen years, authorized the president to imprison or deport aliens considered "dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States" and restricted speech critical of the government.
What is the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798?
Program designed to reform public education in 2002 by President George Bush. Law extended the reach of the Federal Government into education- usually a state responsibility. Law mandates that states set learning standards and that teachers become proficient in the subject area.
What is No Child Left Behind