Literary Elements
Parts 1-3
Parts 4-5
Parts 6-7

The textual name of the symbolic gaze that captivates and holds the Wedding Guest.

What is the Mariner's glittering eye?


The Romantic trait that questions authority and values personal freedom, resulting in an act like shooting the albatross.  (starts with an 'r')

What is rebellion?


The Wedding Guest at first sees the Mariner as this type of person.

What is a crazy loon?


It's what the corpses do on the ship for seven days in Part Four.   (not 'just lay there')

What is not rot or reek, but stare at the Mariner with a curse in their eyes?


It's what the two sky spirits are doing when the Mariner awakes.

What is discussing his fate?


A main thematic moral of TROTAM.

What is respect of nature/the Christian walk?


The Romantic trait that we see when the Mariner feels guilt and shame, or the dead crew seem to be angrily cursing him with their eyes.

What is emotions rule?


It's the reason the crew hangs the dead albatross around the Mariner's neck.

What is to show he is the guilty one and should literally carry his burden?


The symbolic element of life that is denied to the mariner (and the crew) after the crime.

What is water?


The Mariner wants to talk to the Hermit for this reason.

What is to ask him to cleanse him of his wrong-doing?


Coleridge uses this literary device in which a character also represents a meaning with moral significance (characters stand for ideas like Death or Innocence).  It starts with an 'a' and was a bell ringer. 

What is an allegory?


The interest Romantic writers had in this imaginative, strange and sometimes frightening world, seen through TROTAM and Frankenstein.  (starts with 's')

What is the supernatural?


The number of crew men claimed by Death after the game of dice.

What is 200 men?


They cause the Mariner to have an epiphany and gain respect for all nature...and result in the Albatross falling off like lead into the sea.  

What is the sea snakes/water snakes?


It happens to the Mariner's ship, just like it happened to the Albatross.  

What is sink like lead into the sea?


The type of literature/genre that is The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.  (two words)

What is narrative poetry?


Romantics used this to reveal their thoughts and feelings with inclusion for anyone, not just the rich or highly educated.  

What is simple language?


It's the reason the Mariner shoots the Albatross at the end of part one.

What is for no reason (we don't really know)?


It's what happens to the bodies of the dead sailors after the colored lights come down from the sky.

What is they rise up and help drive the ship?


This happens to the Pilot and the Pilot's boy upon rescuing the mariner.

What is they grow hysterical and fear for their lives?  


The line "the sky and the sea, And the sea and the sky" is this type of literary device.  (not repetition)

What is alliteration?


The century in which the Romantic period started in OR its country of origin?

What is the 18th century OR Germany?


The way the sea and its creatures are described after the crew are all dead at his feet.

What is a rotting, slimy sea?


At the end of part five, it causes the Mariner to fall and pass out.

What is the ship begins to move supernaturally fast to get him home?  


The Mariner must do this the rest of his life because Life-in-Death won the game of dice.    

What is travel from land to land finding those he can see do not respect nature and teaching them his story.