Development and Learning
Social Psych, Motivation and Emotion

This law of sensation states that our sensitivity to a change in stimulus depends on the proportion of change to the initial stimulus.

What is Weber's Law?


The false sense of increased chances of success at truly random activities is known by this common name.

What is the Gambler's Fallacy?


This major psychologist developed the Zone of Proximal Development, or a model of learning in which we can expand our abilities with the help of knowledgeable individuals.

Who is Lev Vygotsky?


Karma, and "You get what you deserve" are both examples of this phenomenon and cognitive bias.

What is the Just-World Hypothesis?


Tungsten's atomic symbol on the Periodic Table is W, because it used to be called by this older name.

What is wolfram?


This researcher is responsible for a large portion of our understanding of hemispheric specialization and split-brain studies.

Who is Michael Gazzaniga?


Our groupings of similar objects, concepts or ideas is known by this one-word name. 

What is a schema?


Mary Ainsworth's strange situation showed us that there are ____ different styles of attachment, and ______________ was the most common of these attachments.

What is 4 and Secure?


This term best explains why that group member won't do their slide that you all talked about them doing last week.

What is social loafing?


The YMCA is a popular location for swim lessons, sporting activities, and other recreational activities. It is an acronym for this 4-word title.

What is the Young Men's Christian Association?


Our decreased sensitivity to a repeated stimulus is known by this monotonous name. Don't make it a pattern!

What is habituation?


Taking a new concept, and adjusting your view of the world and your conceptual organization is known as this cognitive process.

What is accommodation?


Tickling a baby's foot will make it giggle, but also will induce this reflex, indicating that the feet are getting ready for walking.

What is the Babinski Reflex?


This psychologist was one of the earliest proprietors of Positive Psychology, and was president of the APA in the late 1990's.

Who is Martin Seligman?


The city of Springfield has this many zip codes. (Closest answer gets points)

What is 14? (01101–01105, 01107–01109, 01118–01119, 01128–01129, 01144, 01151)


This theory of hearing states that the rates of oscillation of sounds determines the overall pitch of what we hear. 

What is Frequency theory?


As you repeat information you just heard, you engage this structure, a part of the larger Working Memory Model.

What is Phonological Loop?


The Covid-19 pandemic, the 21st century, and the post 9/11 era are all part of this ecological system according to Bronfenbrenner.

What is Chronosystem?


This psychoanalytic defense mechanism involves taking aggression caused by negative feelings, and exhibiting said aggression in socially accepted manners like exercise.

What is sublimation?


This river is the third longest in the world.

What is the Yangtze River?


Transduction for our sense of touch occurs in this organ.

What is the Skin?


As time progresses, the average intelligence of the population increases, better known by this name.

What is the Flynn Effect?


In some parts of the world, they point forwards when talking about the past as it is referred to as, "the time I can see" in their native language, while in English-speaking countries, they point behind them for the, "past". This is an example of this concept from Benjamin Lee Whorf.

What is Linguistic Determinism?


This theory of positive psychology claims that by choosing positive decisions, we can expand our capacity to handle negative experiences in the future.

What is Broaden and Build theory?


These two teachers in this school share the same exact birthday, including the same day, month, year and hospital that they were born in. (Each correct name = 250 pts.)

Who are Fanning and Kvarnstrom?