Classroom Expectations
Just for Fun
Persuasive Appeals
Looking Beyond Middle School
If you don't have a pencil, you should do this.
What is ask for one from a peer right away or buy one with a Traner buck or see if there are any crappy free ones.
We type our Embedded Assessments using this program.
What is Google Classroom?
The fox says this.
Ding ding ding ding ding, a-ding a-ding....
This appeal get to readers' emotions- makes them worried, sad, angry, motivated, etc.
What is pathos?
High school counselors design your schedule based on these test scores.
What are MAP scores?
The language used in this class needs to be kept at this rating.
What is PG?
A sentence in your argumentative essay in which you state exactly what you're arguing. For example, "IPhones are more dependable than Androids."
What is a claim?
Mrs. Mac loves reading so much, she has this.
What is a tattoo of books on her arm?
This is the appeal that provides absolute facts, statistics, and quotes from experts on the topic.
What is logos?
Most people can't afford college, but they go anyway. This is how they can pay for it.
What are loans and scholarships?
You may get a Jolly Rancher for doing what?
What is passing out SB books, passing out student work, or sometimes just for being incredibly on task with the rest of your class-mates.
In an argumentative essay, this is when you acknowledge the other side of what you're arguing and you professionally shoot it down (say why it's wrong).
What is a counter-claim?
This singer like to "get ugly."
What is Jason Derullo?
This is the best way to use pathos in your argumentative essay.
What is to include someone's personal experience with your topic?
WCSD provides transportation to these two signature academies.
What are the Wooster IB program and AACT?
This is not an option the first or last ten minutes of class.
What is escaping to the bathroom or for a drink?
The length of our Embedded Assessments must be....
What is however long it needs to be to have a good intro, body, and conclusion.
This will be the most common mistake teachers will see on student papers this week in all classes in all schools in our district.
What is write 2015 instead of 2016.
You need to use this number of persuasive appeals in your argumentative essay.
What is all three?
Hug's Signature Academy includes these areas of focus.
What is medical careers, culinary careers, and human development.
Talking at the wrong time. Over. And over.
What is the most guaranteed way to earn class time after the bell rings?
Argumentative writing must have these two components to it.
What is a claim and a counter-claim?
She says, "Be nice to each other" every day.
What is Ellen DeGeneres?
This is the credibility appeal- you create this by having strong logos and pathos and then your reader will trust you.
What is ethos?
This is the deadline for applying to any signature academy in WCSD.
What is January 29th.