Who won Super Bowl 50
Ricky's favorite soda
Root Beer
Rickys favorite country
Who had first overall pick in WAWB 2023 draft
Wes Moore
True or false: The Eiffel Tower can be 25 cm taller during summer due to thermal expansion meaning the iron heats up etc.
What number was James White
Rickys middle name
Rickys favorite athlete of all time
Tuukka Rask
Who did Ricky cut in the first year, first round of fantasy playoffs that Wes Moore signed, started, and defeated Ricky with
Jonathon Taylor
True or false: Australia is wider than the moon
Who is the current Lightweight champion of the UFC (155 lbs).
Islam Makhachev
Rickys favorite baseball player ever
Mookie Betts
How big is Rickys dih (rounded to nearest .5 could go up or down)
What awards has Ricky Morrison at some point been in the running for WAWB (must name all)
Golden Glove (Numerous occasions)
Silver Slugger (April 10 2024)
Who was dancing with Trump and Lebron in the sick ahh tik tok "Pop at at 1 in the morning"
Who won Super Bowl MVP in 2019 Super Bowl LIII
Julian Edelman
Rickys hockey number sophomore year (South JV)
Ricky cant sleep without:
Who came in last in Fantasy in 2021 and played whom in the toilet bowl
Wes Moore lost, played vs Yoni Shavelsky
Which gospel of New Testament was written first?
When was the Bruins second to last Stanley Cup (Most recent is 2011).
Rickys favorite Fortnite season (2 acceptable)
Season 7
How old was Ricky when he first beat it
What defense dropped 26 points in round 2 of the Fantasy playoffs in 2021 eliminating Rickys "super team"
Cowboys DST
What is the national animal of Scotland