This is an approach to punctuation using as few commas as possible.
What is open punctuation?
What are semicolons, colons, or dashes?
I have an introductory phrase before an independent clause, I should use this punctuation mark.
What is a comma?
What are parentheses?
This is a grammatical term for the "doer" or "receiver" of an action in a sentence (in this sentence, it's "This")
What is subject?
A type of clause that can stand alone as a complete sentence
What is independent?
I can only use a colon to precede a list if this is true about the first clause.
What is "it is a complete sentence"?
The copyeditor's handbook describes one of the "personalities" of the semicolon as functioning as what kind of period?
What is a weak period?
Quotation marks in word processing programs that automatically adjust their direction toward another letter are called what type?
What is "smart"?
What is coordinating?
There are this many principal parts of speech.
What is 8?
This kind of clause is on ethat is essential to the meaning of the sentence as a whole and removing it would change the meaning. For example: "I was annoyed that my cat Bathub was howling."
What is restrictive?
The serial comma--used to describe commas that appear between items in a series--is also referred to as either of these other "place-based" types.
What are Oxford or Harvard?
Boomers are regarded to have an attachment to having what number of spaces after a sentence ending puncatution.....but they're wrong.
What is 2?
Because is this kind of conjunction (and it makes this sentence a fragment).
What is subordinating?
Punctuation marks that end a sentence are referred to as this type--sort of like Grand Central Station
What is terminal?
A relative clause might start with one of these relative pronouns.
What are that, who, or which?
Alternatively, a semicolon's second personality can be a strong type of what other punctuation mark?
What is comma?
Hyphens are sometimes referred to by these two adjectives to indicate that a word continues onto the next line or to join compound words.
What is soft and hard?
What is possessive?
It is a punctuation mark that is the fusion of an exclamation point and question mark.
What is interrobang?
This is the very rude category of single words and phrases that can provide detail, emphasis, transition or commentary.
What is an interrupter?
This type of a dash is typed by entering two hyphens?
What is an em dash?
This is the technical name for the slash of whatever direction; The Copy Editors Handbook files it under "controverial techniques."
A word or phrase placed after another substantive word or phrase to name or identify it. Are you sure?
What is an appositive?