WWE Superstars
5/8 Vowels does Jeopardy
The ABC's of Chemistry
Adam and not Eve

This media and film superstar got his big break in the WWE under the original stage name, Rocky Maivia.

Who is Dwayne Johnson?


This term is applicable to a statement that denotes 2 mathematical expressions as equal

What is an equation?


This fruit is physically alike to plantain.

Barium Sodium Sodium

What is a banana?


This American actor, comedian and screenwriter is best known by everybody who knows him for his astounding performance in Pixels, a sci-fi fantasy movie for the ages, that probably did not reach the top 100 best movies in 2015. He was also the lead for Happy Gilmore.

Who is Adam Sandler?


This commonly used acronym is often used to accompany a request that must be completed without delay; promptly.

What is ASAP?


This WWE wrestler is famous for his captivating entrance anthem and stating that "you can't see me!"

Who is John Cena?


A term typically used to express conversation between multiple people as a feature in a book, play or film.

What is dialogue?


This term often defines a continuous and prolonged pain in a certain part of the body.

Actinium Helium

What is an ache?


This American singer songwriter most famously serves as the lead vocalist to the pop rock band, Maroon 5.

Who is Adam Levine?


This four letter abbreviation denotes a phonetic language typically used over radio. This language ensures instructions, specifically letters, are communicated clearly.

What is NATO?


The name of this former WWE persona is alike to his entire performance in the ring.

His signature moves, namely the Piledrive Tombstone.

His submission move, Hell's Gate.

And his extremely famous walkout, Rest In Peace.

Who is The Undertaker?


This is an extreme, unrealistic feeling of pleasure physically and emotionally. A state of feeling 'high'.

What is euphoria?


This term denotes an exceptionally intelligent person. A characteristic of original insight.

Germanium Nickel Uranium Sulfur

What is a genius?


This hunk of a man is a former international cricketer and captain of Australia. He is now a commentator, who published his auto-biography, True Colours, in 2008.

Who is Adam Gilchrist?


This 3-letter term is used commonly in business industries and manufacturing processes. It is an essential part of project management, as it breaks down large tasks into small steps.

What is WBS?