In 2023, This show that takes place in the 31st century made a return for season 11
This Italian plumber originally named ”Jumpman”, debuted in his own game on September 13
Super Mario
Term for a system of interconnected computers & devices; a LAN is a "local area" one
A network
This title was given to the rulers of ancient Egypt who were considered both monarchs & gods
The symbol seen here reminds us to do this
This future host is a Jeopardy champion during half of 2004 with a 74-day winning streak
Ken Jennings
During a slam dunk contest, this retired NBA superstar scored a 50-point dunk by putting duct tape on the foul line
Michael Jordan
Nations get their own domain extensions; .dk is the one for this country
As she stepped up to the guillotine in 1793, this queen apologized to the executioner for stepping on his foot
Marie Antoinette
From the Spanish for "conqueror", the 16th century Spanish conquerors of Mexico & Peru were called these
In 2015, this now-deceased game show host returned to The Price Is Right as an April Fool’s joke
Bob Barker
On July 3rd, 1985, this movie starring Michael J. Foxx and Christopher Lloyd was released
Back To The Future
World Wide Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee gets questions like "Why are links" this color?--"There is no reason"
King Bhumibol reigned for 70 years in this Asian nation once known as Siam
It's the small guitarlike instrument heard here
A ukulele
In the latest U.S. presidential election, Donald Trump was elected for a second term in non-consecutive years; Just like this late 19th century president
Grover Cleveland
DAILY DOUBLE: On May 31, a tornado outbreak occured; 41 tornadoes hit Ohio, Pennsylania, New York, and this Canadian city, leaving 76 dead
Your online shopping cart couldn't stay up to date without these data packets that help websites track you
Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia claimed descent from the Queen of Sheba & this Biblical king
Trending with about 2,000 across the U.S., it's a venue in which you must solve puzzles to get out of a locked space
Escape rooms
Also in 2004, The entire cast of this sitcom was free from prison
On July 7, this tennis player became the youngest to win Wimbledon, at age 17
Boris Becker
Microsoft's Internet Explorer uses "favorites" where other browsers use this word from the non-wired world
A 2014 play was titled this, the expected name & number of the current heir to the British throne
Charles III
In the 2018, the FDA okayed generic ones for allergic reactions