This is what Zanzibar calls their solution for read-your-write consistency, which Sam built the first iteration of Oso’s equivalent of.
What is Zookies?
A testing tool Sam introduced to our codebase that has enabled us to iterate more fearlessly on the compiler
What is insta?
Sam built the “policy metadata” API, the grandfather of today’s SDK++ codegen feature, to help close this customer
What is YPrime?
At our 2024 offsite in Asheville, Sam carved a print of this important individual
Who is Ponyo?
Sam wrote an Oso-based implementation of this seminal authorization system from a paper by Google
What is Zanzibar?
Sam added this operator to Polar, which was Oso Cloud’s first ever support for negation
what is !=?
This is the first web framework Sam ever used.
What is Ruby on Rails?
Sam built the bulk_actions API (the precursor to today’s Query Builder) to solve for this customer’s performance needs
What is Oyster?
Sam celebrates his heritage by eating this on toast
What is beans?
Sam translated this paper, which is the basis of how Polar Core works, to Rust and plain English to help us understand Polar Core.
What is MiniKanren?
Sam and Gabe added this algorithm to Polar, which added support for recursion
What is Tabling?
Sam invented the “extracted constants/group similar results” optimization in our compiler, which we recently learned is a surprisingly good linear-time approximation for this unsolved problem in computer science
What is Graph Isomorphism?
Sam hardcoded the string "Workspace" into our compiler as a creative hack to fix this customer’s performance issues
What is Productboard?
Sam came up with this word to describe an algorithm we built in a day to close the deal with Productboard
What is chainbling?
Sam drew on literature about this programming language to make negation possible in Polar, by requiring it to be “stratified”.
What is Datalog?
Sam singlehandedly built this feature in a week when Productboard needed it ASAP, after for years we had been too scared of how complicated it would be to build
what is (Generalized) Negation?
Sam reviewed the PR that added this optimization to our compiler, and after 3 years has almost succeeded in finally removing it
What is Potential Facts?
An engineer from this company joined Oso after meeting with Sam for career advice
What is Sensat?
Sam’s pick for the name of the Oso bear, before we gave up on trying to name it
What is Poppy?
Sam read the highly mathematical paper on this system, which we’re evaluating for Turbo mode, and translated it to plain English for the rest of us.
What is DBSP?
Sam was the first person to say the word “context” in the thread where we named the “context facts” feature, which was originally named this
What is Overlay Facts?
This term can describe two different formats in which we’ve stored facts in Oso Cloud: one we migrated away from when Sam identified performance problems with it, and another that Sam invented to improve performance
What is normalized?
Someone from this company publicly wrote a long message of Oso praise to a prospect in our community Slack, mentioning how Sam built a feature for managing test environments within a week of them expressing this pain point
What is Vanta?
Sam confused Racquel by claiming he had plans to watch this calendar month.
What is June?
Sam co-authored this paper published in the Journal of Mathematical Cryptology which has been cited over 1000 times.
What is On the concrete hardness of Learning with Errors?