Characteristics of good mental health
•Feels good about themselves
•Feels comfortable with other people
•Able to meet the demands of life
•Expresses emotions in healthy ways
•Is optimistic (positive)
•Uses health skills
–Stress management
–Decision making
–Conflict resolution
•Uses “I messages”
•Copes/adapts with change
•Active listener
•Can be part of a team/group
What does a person with anxiety experience?
Fear in high stress events
What does the ADHD stand for
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
What is Schizophrenia also known as?
Split Mind
Characteristics of poor mental health
•Does NOT share feelings
•Emotions control behaviors
•Is pessimistic (negative)
•Ignores/denies problems
•Can not accept change
•Lets stress control life
•“You” messages (blame and escalate)
•Aggressive and passive
•Runs from conflict
•Close minded
•Needs to “run” the group
What is Multiple Personality Disorder?
Two or more identities or personalities traits
Could be as early as what age?
Common 7 yrs
Early as 2-3 yrs
What is Phobia?
–An extreme, irrational fear of an object or situation.
Myths of Mental Health
They are dangerous
Cannot be trusted with children
Caused by personal weakness
poor or less intelligent
What ability does MPD have?
control behavior and thinking
Name 2 Chronic Interference's?
School work
Home life
A condition of losing touch with reality accompanied by reduced ability to function
General Causes of Mental Ilnesses
•Inherited traits
•Negative life experiences (traumatic)
•Environmental exposures before birth
–Viruses, toxins, alcohol or drugs
•Brain chemistry
–Hormonal imbalances
What is a person with MPD trying to distant themselves from?
Pain and Trauma
Name two inattentive signs or symptoms?
•Fails to pay close attention to details
•Make careless mistakes
•Trouble keeping attention
•Difficulty following through on instructions
•Problems organizing tasks or activities
A person with schizophrenia will have what in their brain?
tissue shrinkage
Name and describe all four lobe's?
Frontal: Behavior, ethics, morals, social skills and personality executive functions
Parietal Lobe: sensory,motor and intellectual
Temporal Lobe: memory, speech and hearing
Occipital Lobe: vision
Name the two traits we talked about in regards to OCD?
repetitive acts; compulsions are urgent
repeated rituals
may not live normal life cause compulsions are so repetitive
Name 2 Hyperactive/Impulsive signs and symptoms?
•Fidgets or squirms frequently
•Often leaves seat
•Always seems on the go
•Talks excessively or blurts out answers
•Difficulty waiting turn
•Interrupts conversations
Name 3 Early psychological trauma that could trigger Schizophrenia
Violence, sexual abuse, death, divorce, separation, or other stressors of childhood