What color is the student sign in/out sheet?
How do I arrange student desks?
Student desks must be arranged in rows/columns
What is the name of the site where T.A.s must login into?
How many students can be out of a testing classroom at a time?
One a time
What do we do when students have a message on their screen?
Contact the STC immediately
What color is the teacher/staff sign in/out sheet?
Besides VoiceOver Off, what else must be checked on the iPad?
Ensure language is set to English
What does the magic green button do?
It either opens or closes the test for everyone (Entire School).
If a student needs to go out of the classroom, what are the procedures?
Student raises hand, signs out of the test, & sign out of the classroom
What is Mr. Felix's cell phone number?His number
(928) 261-9469
What needs to be displayed on the exterior classroom doors?
"Do Not Disturb" Sign
What do we do if students have an electronic device in their possession?
Students must turn off place all electronic devices inside their backpack
Which bars are off-limits?
Testing bars for the entire school
Once a student logs off his/her test, what does the T.A. do?
Ensure student has logged off by checking T.A.s screen. Student test color should be red. Collect the student's test ticket & ensure student signs out of class
What happens if I take a picture or screen capture of any testing related material or site?
An incident report with an investigation proceeding.
What do we need to do before students open the test?
Student desks must be arranged in rows/columns
Besides the cellphone, what other devices should a student not have?
Smart watches & bluetooth earphones
What do we do when we can't find our class in PearsonAccessNext?
Contact STC
Once a student returns back to the testing classroom, what needs to be done?
Ensure student signs back in, return his/her exit ticket, student logs back in, & T.A. resumes test
What procedure should a T.A. do if a student can log into testNav, but cannot access a test?
T.A.s should check Pearson Interface to make sure student status has been resumed.
How do teachers prepare classrooms for state testing?
Ensure any writing is erased or covered
What does a staff member need to do to be able to administer AASA?
Complete testing modules & sign a security agreement
What do we do if I, the T.A., must exit the classroom during testing?
I must sign out & a T.A. replacement must sign in to PearsonAccessNext
What does the student & T.A., do when a test is finished?
Ensure student submits test & T.A. must collect testing ticket & lock the student's test
ow do you secure testing material when you cannot lock it in your classroom?
T.A. must turn in testing materials to STC.