Fast Food
World’s Fairs & Exhibitions
October Gardens
Classic Snacks and Appetizers
Let's Dance
Grab Bag

Founded in the 1960s, this sandwich shop became a franchise in 1974 and still encourages customers to “Eat Fresh” today.


 The founder opened his first location to pay off his college tuition.


This 1,063-foot-tall attraction was built for the Exposition Universelle, the 1889 World’s Fair in Paris.

Eiffel Tower

At the time, it was the tallest structure in the world.


This cruciferous vegetable has an ornamental version that adds color to the fall garden.


It adds green, white, pink, and/or purple to the garden. Ornamental kale is not edible


This is the meat ingredient in pigs in a blanket.

hot dog

Instead of the hot dog being inside a bun, a crescent roll is wrapped around it


This disco dance of the ’70s was popularized by Van McCoy’s hit song and combined mambo, salsa, and swing

the hustle

 The dance originated in the South Bronx among young Puerto Rican dancers. .


This professional applies horseshoes to horses.


Most people know that horses wear horseshoes to protect their hooves, but they don’t necessarily know horseshoes increase traction and/or provide shock absorption. 


This flower is a symbol of harvest season.


 They’re harvest season’s most prolific flower, blooming everywhere in bold, beautiful colors—red, yellow, gold, green, purple, pink, maroon, and white. Globally, they are the second-largest harvest in the ornamental category, after roses.



This bite-sized McDonald’s favorite was introduced nationally in 1982 and is still a dippable bestseller today


 A classically trained French chef created the recipe for the nuggets


This famous bridge in San Francisco opened in time for the 1939 World’s Fair.

Golden Gate Bridge

The Bay Bridge opened at the same time, and they sit atop Treasure Island, which was built for the World’s Fair


When planted in October, this delicious, white, cruciferous vegetable overwinters and is ready for harvest in early summer


Snowball is a popular variety that is easy to grow. Its tough outer leaves protect it from the cold. Some varieties are ready for harvest in as little as three to five months.


This animal’s “wings” are standard happy hour appetizer.


Buffalo wings with a side of blue cheese dressing is a classic wing dish.


Though this dance has roots in early tap routines, it was popularized (and some say perfected) by Michael Jackson in his Motown 25 TV performance in 1983

The moonwalk

The original dance move was reportedly created by tap dancer Bill Bailey around 1955


This breakfast and brunch dish consists of toasted English muffins, Canadian bacon, poached eggs, and hollandaise sauce.

Eggs Benedict


Cranberries are harvested by doing this.

flooding the fields

 When the fields are flooded, the cranberries float to the top, making harvesting easier.


In 1995, this chain introduced its stuffed crust pizza, advertised as a crust so good you “eat it backwards.

Pizza Hut

The chain also boasts the first outer-space pizza delivery to the International Space Station.


Seattle’s most famous structure, it was built for the 1962 World’s Fair.

Space Needle

When the Space Needle opened, the revolving restaurant at the top was powered by only one horsepower.


October is the perfect month to start this sweet Italian herb indoors to provide a year-round supply for making pesto.


It is an annual plant, and it won’t last after a frost. Its seeds are easy to sprout, and there are many varieties other than Genovese, the most common basil


This Italian cheese is cut into sticks, coated with breading, and then deep fried.


It is often served with marinara sauce for dipping. 


With its roots in the mid-1950s, this complex clapping and hand-shaking dance was popularized by the movie Grease.

hand jive

The dance is associated with rhythm and blues music.


This U.S. state shares the longest border with a foreign country.


Its border with Canada stretches 2,475 km. You might have thought Texas has the longest border with another country, but its border with Mexico stretches only 1,997 km.


This city is the home of Grauman’s Chinese Theatre.

Hollywood, California

Today, the theater’s official name is the TCL Chinese Theatre, but no one calls it that


This chain discontinued its McDeluxe (aka the McDLT) burger in the 1990s because of its complex packaging.


 The unique burger came in a two-sided Styrofoam container, which did not meet the company’s new environmentally friendly standards.


In 1964, this Ford classic car, which is still in production, was introduced at the New York City World’s Fair.


The car was displayed for the first time at the Ford Pavilion, aka the Wonder Rotunda.


You will likely only eat the red and green stalks of this vegetable in a pie mixed with strawberries.


While you can prepare the stalks in a variety of dishes, it’s not a favorite vegetable. The leaves are poisonous whether raw or cooked.


Sour cream and a package of onion soup or dip mix have been the two ingredients of this standby dip since at least the 1960s.

French onion dip

It was initially called California dip after an unknown cook in Los Angeles, California, invented it


This popular party dance reached the top of the American pop charts in 1996 as a remix of a Spanish-language rumba


 Recorded by Los del Río, the song “Macarena” was inspired by a beautiful flamenco dancer.


This is an ancient Chinese discipline of meditative movements practiced as a system of exercises

tai chi

it was originally a martial art, but today it is a gentle exercise that focuses on postures and controlled breathing. It helps improve balance, which can reduce slips and falls. 


The United States and Canada are both home to this natural attraction

Niagara Falls

It’s the collective name of three separate falls, and it’s Earth’s second-largest falls.


In November 1970, this chain introduced the first modern drive-thru, serving square patties and Frosty desserts through a window


The drive-thru concept was so new that customers needed instructions on how to order.


On the way to JFK Airport, you will see this well-known structure from the New York World’s Fair in Flushing Meadows–Corona Park.

Unisphere (or globe)

It’s made of stainless steel, and when it was built, it was the largest globe in the world.


This flowering shrub is used to produce a popular facial astringent (tighten and shrink the appearance of pores)

witch hazel

It’s indigenous to the American Northeast, and it remains in bloom after most of the garden has gone dormant. It attracts butterflies but is resistant to deer.


Wrap this around pineapple or water chestnuts and secure with a toothpick for a quick, baked appetizer.


You can also wrap it around shrimp and coat it with barbecue sauce.


We bet you know this dance craze just by the band who performs it: the Village People.


The dance became a hit after their performance on American Bandstand.


This legume is treated as a nut and often mistaken for one.


It is processed into a popular nut butter, and a 12-ounce jar of peanut butter requires around 500 peanuts.


This is the home of the first Madame Tussauds wax museum


 Madame Marie Tussaud was born in France and learned wax modeling from a French sculptor who bequeathed his two museums to her. Today, there are 24 locations worldwide.