Parts of Speech
Similes & Metaphors

In a sentence, this part of grammar performs an action.

What is a subject?


This part o speech describes a person, place or thing (and sometimes and idea or concept).

What is a Noun?


This kind of construction makes a comparison between two similar things by showing similarity in using the words "like" or "as".

What is a Simile?


This punctuation mark indicates the end of the sentence.

What is a Period?


The underlined word below is known as this in grammar:

"Jordan performs card tricks."

What is a verb?


This part of speech has two different categories: "action" and "state-of-being".

What is a Verb?


If you described your house as being "as big as a castle," you would be using this.

What is a Simile?


In asking a question in writing, you should end your sentence with this punctuation mark.

What is a Question Mark?


In grammar, the thing that receives the action is known as the "direct ________ ".

What is the Object?


You use this part of speech to describe a noun. 

What is an Adjective?


This construction makes a comparison between two dissimilar things by saying that one thing is another.

What is a Metaphor?


This punctuation mark is used to separate clauses, phrases and individual words when listed in a series (but it is not permission to pause, like many people think).

What is a Comma?


For a sentence to be grammatically full and complete, it only needs to have a _________ & ________.

What are a Subject and a Verb?


In the sentence below, the underlined word is an example of this part of speech:

"The dog ran quickly."

What is an Adverb?


The lyric, "I'm a cork on the ocean, floating over the raging sea," from the Beach Boys song, "Til I Die," is an example of this.

What is an Extended Metaphor?


Use this punctuation mark if you want to combine two independent clauses, where the second independent clause gives more detail or information about the first.

What is a Semicolon?


The underlined portion of the sentence below is grammatically known as this.

"The boy hit the ball over the fence."

What is a Prepositional Phrase?


FANBOYS is the catchy acronym for this part of speech, which joins words, phrases and clauses together.

What is a Conjunction?


In Langston Hughes's poem, "Harlem (A Dream Deferred," the speaker describes what happens to a dream deferred by suggesting a series of these.

What are Similes?


Without the keen eye of a good editor to fix the punctuation, the sentence below would be making this common mistake:

"I like chocolate, I also like vanilla."

What is a Comma Splice?