Lecture 5
Lecture 6
Lecture 7
Lecture 8
Lecture 9
A type of 21st-century literacy that entails analyzing, evaluating, and communicating information online. 

What is media literacy?

Web resources that teachers and students can freely use and reuse without fees.
What are open educational resources (OER)?

Which of the following shows students solving problems using technology?

A. Chantal watches a video about the Great Depression for her history class.

B. Layla reads and takes notes on an e-book version of a novel she is reading for English class.

C. Ahmed uses a word processing program to prepare a science research paper about global warming.

D. Rafael uses math modeling software to construct a model of a geometry solution to a problem he solved already with a pencil and paper formula.

What is D. Rafael uses math modeling software to construct a model of a geometry solution to a problem he solved already with a pencil and paper formula?

One of these forms of communication happens in real time, while the other involves a time delay.
What are synchronous and asynchronous communication?
This technology projects an image of text onto a screen or whiteboard, often used in classrooms for learning. 
What is a document camera?
This is used to block access to websites that contain objectionable or inappropriate material on school computers.
What is a filtering software?
This method of communication allows for online meetings and conversations.
What is interactive videoconferencing?
A teaching technology that is best described as being available for the public to use, copy, and create, usually at little or no cost. 
What is open-source software?

Teachers most commonly use a teaching blog for which of the following professional activities?

A. Sharing online information with students

B. Posting student assignments and grades

C. Rapidly communicating with professional peers

D. Listing school rules and regulations

What is A. Sharing online information with students?

Note: A teaching blog can be an effective way for teachers to share information with students. Teachers can locate resources related to curriculum topics being studied in class and then post that material on a blog for students to access outside of school. Students can then respond to teacher postings, creating an interactive exchange of educational ideas and information.


Programs that are sent over the Internet to your computer or smartphone.

What is streaming video?

Misinformation, malinformation, messed-up information, and mostly useless information are four types of this online content identified by Nicholas C. Burbules and Thomas A. Callister, Jr.

What is troublesome online content?
This educational approach combines student/teacher face-to-face interactions with online coursework. 
What is blended learning?

Which of the following is an example of computational thinking?

A. Ms. Martin redesigns her lesson plans to more closely connect classroom activities to national curriculum standards.

B. Emily uses material from her course on computer programming to begin building a robot model.

C. Mr. Jones updates the computers in the classroom so they are running the latest software.

D. Maurice solves a series of math problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

What is B. Emily uses material from her course on computer programming to begin building a robot model? 

Note: According to the Computer Science Teachers Association, computational thinking involves knowing how to use computer data, models, simulations, and algorithmic thinking to formulate and solve problems. Emily is using computational thinking as she researches and designs a robot.

Informal written communication that uses symbols, letters, numbers, and abbreviations. 
What is textspeak?
Teachers are advised to ask the question "Who is my audience and what do I want them to learn?" when using this tool. 
What is a digital presentation tool?
These rules set by schools regulate students' technology use by explaining the specific guidelines for technology use and consequences of not following them.
What are the Acceptable Use Policies (AUPs)? 
These types of websites provide opportunities for students to engage in online investigations and discoveries related to topics of interest.
What are exploration and discovery websites?
Two forms of thinking that Benjamin Bloom and his collaborators were interested in distinguishing.
What are higher-order and lower-order thinking?
A teacher's role in an online discussion targeted at guiding the complex process of students emotions, beliefs, understandings, and conceptualizations.
What is moderating?

Making a digital recording of a computer screen with voiceover narration describes this presentation strategy.

What is screencasting?
This legal protection is given to a person's creative literacy, dramatic, musical, or artistic works.
What is copyright?
High-quality educational websites offer engagement, exploration, and this other feature.
What is interactivity?
An educational researcher who contends that the theory of learning present in good video games fits well with inquiry-based approaches to teaching and learning in schools. 
Who is James Paul Gee?
Content posting, reader response, audience, and this fourth key design decision are used in building a teaching blog. 
What is authorship?

This teaching and learning approach entails students using written text, audio, and video to tell stories.

What is digital storytelling?